Calculate levenshtein distances on segment level for distance between first version of the segment in a current workflow step and current one Post-Editing time is already calculated since 10 years in translate5 Save those 2 distances  in LEK_segments and LEK_segment_history tables and an aggregated distance between first version and current one on task level. Provide statistical data as follows: Calculate the average by the current filtering in the task management grid and make it available in the same way as "Show KPIs" and "Export meta data". If filtered by "advanced filters" (third dimension of things that correlate with the task user assignment (job)), then also the statistic is only calculated by those jobs in the filtering The base values on segment level for calculating the averages WITHIN the scope one workflow step are always calculated as follows for the levenshtein distance: it is calculated between the version the segment had at the beginning of his/her workflow step and the current status (please note: There might be several editing steps, that lead to this result). for post-editing time: all individual editing steps of a single segment are added up to a total within the scope of each workflow step If there is no filtering on workflow step, still the aforementioned calculation on workflow step level (difference between first version and last version of a workflow step / added time of all edits within a workflow step) is the base unit of calculating the average In addition we will have a second set of base values on segment level, that calculate the averages from the start of the workflow until the current status of the segment for the levenshtein distance: it is calculated between the version the segment had at after pre-translation (or the empty state, if no pre-translation had been done) and the current status for post-editing time: all individual editing steps of a single segment are added up to a total across all workflow steps If there is filtering on workflow step, only the post-editing times within the filtered workflow step(s) are taken into account (but still are added up for all workflow steps within the filtering) the levensthein distance is calculated from the start of the workflow (pre-translated status or empty segment, if no pre-translation) to the last status of the segment in the last workflow step within the current filtering If filtered by user in addition to other filters, then in addition to forementioned calculation of base values on segment level: for levenshtein distance: For levensthein distance within one workflow step: If other users edited the segment in between in the same workflow step, this is neglected (if necessary an option to instead take into account the distance between the last edit of another user in the same workflow step and the current status, an additional filtering option for this can be added in a later development step). For levensthein distance from the start of workflow: This value should not be displayed, because it makes no sense with a user filter for post-editing distance: Only the post-editing times of this user is taken into account, even if other users have edited in between Also here the base unit for calculating the overall averages are always the added up editing times of a user within a single workflow step. Edits of the same user across several workflow steps will never be added up to calculate averages Add new advanced filters, that allow to filter the tasks by match rate range min/max (regarding MT resources quality estimation of Modelfront and probably in the future of LLMs is used in the same way in the same match rate column) used language resource(s) (multi-select tag-field) language resource type (like TermCollection, TM, MT) service (integration) type (like DeepL, Google MT, t5memory, etc.) Please note: If filtered by any filtering that relates to the language resource used for pre-translation, the first language resource used for pre-translation is taken into account. Even if the user decides to manually take over something else from the fuzzy match panel Show the resulting calculated levenshtein distance and post-editimg time averages for the current filtering in the existing "Show KPIs" window and make them also available in the xlsx-file that can be downloaded by clicking on "Download meta-data" UI text for KPI window: EN Ø Post-editing time within 1 workflow step Ø Levensthein distance within 1 workflow step Ø Post-editing time from the start of workflow Ø Levensthein distance from the start of workflow DE Ø Nachbearbeitungszeit innerhalb eines Workflowschritts Ø Levensthein-Abstand innerhalb eines Workflowschritts Ø Nachbearbeitungszeit ab Beginn des Workflows Ø Levensthein-Abstand ab Beginn des Workflows Behind those UI texts there should be an info icon. And there should be a tooltip when hovering across the text or the info icon. The text of the tooltip should be: For the tooltip behind "Post-editing time within 1 workflow step": EN: The post-editing time within 1 workflow step is the time it takes users to edit a segment within one workflow step. If no user filter is set in the task overview, the post-editing time of a segment is calculated by adding all editing times of all users within that workflow step including PM edits. If a user filter is set, only the edits of those users are counted. The result is the post-editing time for the segment within a workflow step. This is the base unit for the calculation. The average is then calculated as the average of all post-editing times (calculation base units) within the scope of all tasks and workflow steps that match the currently set filter in the task overview. DE: Die Nachbearbeitungszeit innerhalb eines Workflowschritts ist die Zeit, die Benutzer benötigen, um ein Segment innerhalb eines Workflow-Schrittes zu bearbeiten. Wenn in der Aufgabenübersicht kein Benutzerfilter gesetzt ist, wird die Nachbearbeitungszeit eines Segments durch die Bearbeitung aller Bearbeitungen aller Benutzer innerhalb dieses Workflow-Schritts berechnet, einschließlich der PM-Bearbeitungen. Wenn ein Benutzerfilter gesetzt ist, werden nur die Bearbeitungen dieses/dieser Benutzer/s gezählt. Das Ergebnis ist die Nachbearbeitungszeit für das Segment innerhalb eines Workflow-Schrittes. Dies ist die Basiseinheit für die Berechnung. Der Durchschnitt wird dann als Durchschnitt aller Nachbearbeitungszeiten (basierend auf den Basiseinheiten) im Rahmen aller Aufgaben und Workflowschritte der aktuell gesetzten Filterung in der Aufgabenübersicht berechnet. For the tooltip behind "Post-editing time from start of workflow": EN: The post-editing time from the start of the workflow is the time it takes to edit a segment for all users edits from the start of the workflow. If there is a filtering set on the workflow step(s), only the post-editing times within the filtered workflow step(s) are taken into account (but still are added up for all filtered workflow steps). The result is the post-editing time for the segment within the workflow. This is the base unit for the calculation. The average is then calculated as the average of all post-editing times (calculation base units) within the scope of all tasks that match the currently set filter in the task overview. DE: Die Nachbearbeitungszeit ab dem Start des Workflows ist die Zeit, die für die Bearbeitung eines Segments für alle Benutzer benötigt wird, die das Segment ab dem Start des Workflows bearbeiten. Wenn die Workflow-Schritte gefiltert sind, werden nur die Nachbearbeitungszeiten innerhalb der gefilterten Workflow-Schritte berücksichtigt (aber dennoch für alle Workflow-Schritte innerhalb der Filterung addiert). Das Ergebnis ist die Nachbearbeitungszeit für ein Segment innerhalb des Workflows. Dies ist die Basiseinheit für die Berechnung. Der Durchschnitt wird dann als Durchschnitt aller Nachbearbeitungszeiten (Berechnungsbasiseinheiten) im Rahmen aller Aufgaben berechnet, die dem aktuell gesetzten Filter in der Aufgabenübersicht entsprechen. For the tooltip behind levensthein distance within one workflow step: EN: The levensthein distance within one workflow step for a segment is calculated between the version of the segment before it was edited within a workflow step and its last edit within the workflow step. This calculation is independent of who edited the segment within the workflow step and when. If a user filter is set, only those segments and levensthein distances are taken into account, where the user(s) in question made the last edit to a segment. The result is the levensthein distance for the segment within a workflow step. This is the base unit for the calculation. The average is then calculated as the average of all levensthein distances (calculation base units) within the scope of all tasks and workflow steps that match the currently set filter in the task overview. DE: Die Levensthein-Distanz innerhalb eines Workflowschritts für ein Segment wird zwischen der Version des Segments, bevor es in einem Workflow-Schritt bearbeitet wurde, und der letzten Bearbeitung in diesem Workflow-Schritt berechnet. Diese Berechnung ist unabhängig davon, wer das Segment innerhalb des Workflow-Schrittes bearbeitet hat und wann. Wenn ein Benutzerfilter gesetzt ist, werden nur die Segmente und Levensthein-Distanzen berücksichtigt, bei denen der/die betreffende Benutzer die letzte Bearbeitung an einem Segment vorgenommen hat/haben. Das Ergebnis ist die Levensthein-Distanz für das Segment innerhalb eines Workflow-Schrittes. Dies ist die Basiseinheit für die Berechnung. Der Durchschnitt wird dann als Durchschnitt aller Levensthein-Distanzen (Berechnungsbasiseinheiten) im Rahmen aller Aufgaben und Workflow-Schritte berechnet, die dem aktuell gesetzten Filter in der Aufgabenübersicht entsprechen. For the tooltip behind levensthein distance from the start of the workflow: EN: The levensthein distance from the start of the workflow for a segment is calculated between the version of the segment at the start of the workflow and its last existing edit. If the segment had been pre-translated, the pre-translation is seen as the first version. If the segment was manually translated, the empty segment is seen as the first version. If there is filtering on the workflow step, this has no effect on the calculation. The result is the levensthein distance for the segment from the start of the workflow. This is the base unit for the calculation. The average is then calculated as the average of all levensthein distances (calculation base units) within the scope of all tasks that match the currently set filter in the task overview. DE: Der Levensthein-Abstand vom Beginn des Workflows für ein Segment wird zwischen der Version des Segments zu Beginn des Workflows und seiner letzten vorhandenen Bearbeitung berechnet. Wenn das Segment vorübersetzt wurde, wird die Vorübersetzung als erste Version betrachtet. Wenn das Segment manuell übersetzt wurde, gilt das leere Segment als erste Version. Wenn der Workflow-Schritt gefiltert wurde, hat dies keinen Einfluss auf die Berechnung. Das Ergebnis ist die Levensthein-Distanz für das Segment ab dem Start des Workflows. Dies ist die Basiseinheit für die Berechnung. Der Durchschnitt wird dann als Mittelwert aller Levensthein-Distanzen (Berechnungsbasiseinheiten) im Rahmen aller Aufgaben berechnet, die dem aktuell gesetzten Filter in der Aufgabenübersicht entsprechen.