New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Change TMX import to be able to use multipart file-upload
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Add a second alternative for the tmx import: it should be possible to use multipart file upload of a plain tmx file (not base64-encoded) to t5memory for the import.
Or alternatively it should be possible to send the tmx as base64-encoded zip-file to t5memory.
What ever is faster to implement. If it does not matter, choose the stream.
Coordinate the development time needed and therefore the way to go with Orest. It will be mainly his development time needed that decides on the way of implementation.
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-3883 Make TMX export run as stream
- Done
- is blocked by
TRANSLATE-3957 SDLXLIFF diff export struggles when there are entities in the raw content
- Done
- mentioned in
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Transition | Time In Source Status | Execution Times |
29s | 1 |
36d 1h 32m | 1 |
5d 3h 28m | 1 |
71d 1h 42m | 1 |
12d 18h 19m | 1 |
3s | 1 |