
    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • translate5 - 2.9.1
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    • active


      Usage of Match Resource panel

      For ease of development, avoiding of duplicated functionality, ease of use and the ability to use existing language resources in different contexts it makes sense, to administrate the MT engines needed for the InstantTranslate-Portal in the existing match resources panel.

      This way they can at the same time be used in translate5 tasks as MT engine input.

      New customer column

      A new column "customers" is added to the match resource panel. 

      • Each cell only shows the number of associated customers
      • A tooltip shows the customer numbers and names of the associated customers in the format [customerNumber] customerName
      • On adding or editing a match resource, one or more customers can be selected using a tag field

      As already implemented for the TermPortal, one or more customers can also be associated to a user in the user management. In the InstantTranslate-Portal a user can only see and use the MT engines of the customers, that he is associated with. This way by associating a customer to a match resource, you can also define, which users can use the match resource in the InstantTranslate-Portal.

      If we come to the point where we associate a customer to a task in translate5 on import time, the LanguageResource to that task can also be preselected via the customer.

      New "Language Resource used by default for:" column

      The field value are customers for which the new language resource or the edited one, will be enabled by default.
      The field is of type tagfield. The select options for this field are, the already selected/assigned customers(customers combo) to this language resource.
      Extend the language resource customers assoc table with the flag field useAsDefault.


      Implications of default resource column

      For the InstantTranslate Portal

      If there is more than one MT-resource available for a language combination, the selected default resource will be pre-selected as engine. Yet still all associated TermCollections and TMs will be searched.

      For the task association

      Default MT- and TM-resources and TermCollections will be assigned by default to new tasks as soon as an associaton of a task to a customer will be implemented (not part of this development job).

      Filters for the match resource panel

      • the following columns will be filterable by a string filter
        • name
        • source language
        • target language
        • assigned tasks
        • customers
      • a checkbox filter is implemented for the column resource

      Integration of TermCollections in Match resource panel

      So far TermCollections work well on database level and for importing them through API or file system.

      There is no GUI to manage them or assign them to customers.

      This must be changed to be able to use them in the InstantTranslate-Portal.

      The implementation would be completely analogous to the existing integration for Translation Memories and import of TMX files, with the following differences:

      • We import TBX instead of TMX  so we use the already existing TBX import capacity (that is able to import standard TBX Basic TBX and Across TBX.
      • We do not provide capacity to do the following, since it would be a separate development job outside of the scope of the InstantTranslate-Feature:
        • any batch operations on assigned tasks or list assigned tasks, since assignment of Termcollections is not needed for InstantTranslate
        • any export of TBX for the same reason
      • The existing config options for filesystem import must be supported via GUI too:
        • deleteEntriesModifiedOlderThan (default: empty, nothing happens)
        • deleteEntriesOlderThanCurrentImport (default: false)
        • mergeTemrs (default: true)

      Renaming and moving of Match resources administration

      With the integration of terminology as match resources and the usage of these resources for the InstantTranslate-Portal it is not longer appropriate to call the panel "match resources". It makes more sense to call it "Language resources".

      And since it now also administrates TermCollections and the InstantTranslate-Portal should be part of the core translate5, the new "Language resources" panel must be moved to core translate5 code base.

      Existing customer panel

      The existing customer panel of translate5 is now activated by default and always visible for the roles PM, admin and api.

      Definition of a max value for characters, that can be entered for a single translation into the InstantTranslate interface

      The sense of this feature is two-fold:

      • On the one hand some MT engines have restrictions, how many characters max can be send to the engine with one API call.
      • On the other hand a special customer of us wants to be able to restrict the max value, that can be entered into the translation field in InstantTranslate for his own customers. A feature, that probably will not make sense for other installations of translate5.

      So we will solve it like follows:

      In Zf_configuration we define a max value for each MT engine.

      In the customer table we define a max value for each customer. This will not be shown in the customer GUI grid, since it will disturb most users. It will also not be put into Zf_configuration, since it messes up the table and will only be needed on one installation of translate5. If in any case others will need this feature in the future, it can easily be provided in the GUI customer grid, if it is already available in the customer table. We set the defautl in the customer table to 100.000 chars.

      In the InstantTranslate GUI the restriction of both takes effect, that is lower. 

      The max value is also shown in the InstantTranslate GUI to the user.


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              aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

