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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-1405 TermPortal as terminology management solution
  3. TRANSLATE-1409

Editing of termEntries, terms and attributes / Accepting and rejecting proposals



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    • Added editing of terms and attributes, accepting and rejecting proposals
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      Behind each term and attribute a pencil icon is shown, if the user has edit rights.

      Attributes within the transAcGrp (dates and editors of data) can not be edited. Their values are set automatically, when a term or termEntry is added or changed.

      Editing of language-level and termEntry-level attributes

      When hovering over the edit functionality of  a language-level attribute, a warning will be displayed as tooltip:

      EN "Language level attribute - changes will take place for all [flag]-terms" (where flag shows the language flags and language shortcut).

      DE "Attribut auf Sprachebene - Änderungen werden für alle [flag] Terme verwendet" (where flag shows the language flags and language shortcut).

      When editing a termEntry level an analogous warning will be displayed with the text:

      EN "Entry level attribute - changes will take place for all terms of this entry" (where flag shows the language flags and language shortcut).

      DE "Attribut auf Eintragsebene - Änderungen werden für alle Terme des Eintrags verwendet"

      Accepting and rejecting proposals

      For accepting the proposal is done by changing the processStatus attribute in the term attributes, if the user has the rights for it.

      Rejecting terms, role dependency and other implications

      For the right to reject terms please see TRANSLATE-1407.

      In the TBX basic standard TBX export "rejected" terms are NOT exported at all, since TBX Basic does not know the value "rejected".

      A rejected term is striked through in the GUI.

      For a rejected term automatically the term attribute normativeAuthorization is set to "deprecatedTerm" and therefore the "do not use" icon will be shown for it in TermPortal and translate5 editor.

      If a role "term proposer" edits a term or an attribute, this is creating a new term or attribute in the database. The old value is linked to it, to that in the GUI the user sees both: The proposal with yellow highlighting and the old value with yellow highlighting and striked-through.

      When the proposal is accepted by a role termFinalizer, the old value gets the status "rejected". If the proposal is rejected by the role "termFinalizer" or "termReviewer", the proposal gets the status "rejected" and the old value is again displayed as the valid, untouched term.

      In case of acception or rejection they are not shown combined any more in the GUI, yet the other one stays as synonym in the termEntry.

      If a role "termPM" edits a term, the same happens, but immediately (without need of workflow). If the PM wants to remove an old term or attribute completely, she/he can still delete it.



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              pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

