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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-1436

Add or propose terminology directly from translate5 task



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      translate5 - 6.6.0: Added ability to propose terminology right from the opened segment in the editor
      translate5 - 6.6.1: Additional UI improvements
      translate5 - 6.6.0: Added ability to propose terminology right from the opened segment in the editor translate5 - 6.6.1: Additional UI improvements
    • -



      Please coordinate with Leon and Axel, how this interacts with the development of the new segment editor and if it makes sense to develop it before it is ready enough.


      This feature should only be active for tasks, where the current user has either proposal or editing rights for at least one TermCollections used by the task.


      • The user marks a text string in the source and/or one in the target of a segment that is open for editing
      • He clicks a button in the segment meta panel, that is only active, if text-strings are marked as outlined above. Or hits a keyboard short-cut, that is also shown on the mentioned button and listed in the short-cut list on confluence.
      • A pop-up opens
        • with the source term and the target term in text input fields
        • the input fields are marked with flags that show their language (as usual in termPortal)
        • two comboxes should be there so that the user can select the statuses for both source and target terms. Only statuses that he is allowed to set according to his role are selectable.
        • if more then one termCollection is used for the task AND editable by the user, a select field in the pop-up offers all termCollections available for the task that are editable by the user. This lets the user decide, to which termCollection the new terms should be added.
        • Save-button, and once clicked:
          • If both terms are already found in the termCollection (target and source term), then the user is shown an according message and no further action is possible.
          • Else if one of term (source or target) is already found in the termCollection, the selected target or source term is proposed as new translation, and the message is shown for source or target saying it's already exists
          • Else a new termEntry is generated and saved for the source automatically and then then the target is added as translation of this termEntry


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              pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              Axel Becher, Leon Kiz, Pavel Perminov
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

