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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2016

Align visual jobs with sdlxliff for review purposes



    • High


      Import changes for translate5

      Similar to the existing pivot feature the following should be implemented for the import:

      • introduce a new import folder "alignLayout"
      • During the import try to match the filenames in the "alignLayout" with the filenames in the proofRead-folder. The filename must be identical, except the fileextension. So "xyz.xml" matches "xyz.xml.sdlxliff" and it also matches "xyz.sdlxliff" and "xyz.xml.mxliff" or "xyz.mxliff"
      • If file names do not match, throw an error analogous to the existing pivot/relais import feature
      • the segmentation of the files in proofRead and in alignLayout is expected to be exactly identical and the source segments are expected to be identical. If they are not it is handled completely analogous to the existing pivot/relais import
      • The import is handled so, that
        • the columns visible for translation (source, target, etc.) come from the proofRead folder (sdlxliff)
        • the source and target columns generated by the import of the "alignLayout"folder are not visible in the front-end. Their only purpose is to be able to connect the layout to the source and target generated by the import of the files in proofRead. If these source and target columns of the layout are not needed at all from a technical perspective, they can be deleted or not created at all.
        • the import of the files in the "alignLayout"-folder is handled in the same way, as if they would be imported as visualTranslation, except that only the layout is used. The layout is connected to the source segments (if translate5 chooses between source and target connection) and afterwards pre-translated, if the task is identified as a proofRead task.

      Adjusting Okapi bconf

      The okapi bconf must be adjusted so that the segmentation matches the standard Trados segmentation. This adjustment is done by Marc. The changed bconf must be put into the import zip file by the PM that does the import and wants to use the align feature. Otherwise the segment mapping may produce multiple errors because of non-matching segments. Also as a nice gesture for the client the xml parser of Okapi will be adjusted to their needs.


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              axelbecher Axel Becher
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

