Uploaded image for project: 'translate5'
  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2436

Bring order into config chaos



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • Configuration
    • High
    • Rename some duplicated config groups.


      See the following config overviews:


      | guiGroup                                |    count |
      | NULL                                    |        3 |
      |                                         |      171 |
      | Editor: Miscellaneous options           |        7 |
      | Editor: QA                              |       20 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more                |       12 |
      | Editor: Visual                          |        4 |
      | File formats                            |       20 |
      | File-parser: after tag protection regex |        1 |
      | InstantTranslate                        |        4 |
      | Language resources                      |       27 |
      | Project and task overview               |        2 |
      | System setup: Authentication            |        5 |
      | System setup: General                   |       21 |
      | System setup: Help                      |       14 |
      | System setup: Language resources        |       20 |
      | System setup: Load balancing            |        9 |
      | TermPortal                              |        5 |
      | User management                         |        1 |
      | Workflow                                |        7 |

      Should the three configs from "User management" and "Project and task overview" go into "Editor: UI layout & more"?

      Reason 1 - they are defaulStates which are otherwise "Editor: UI layout & more":

      Why are some defaultStates config in group and name null/empty string?

      | guiGroup                  | guiName                                                           | name                                                                    | level |
      | NULL                      | NULL                                                              | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.customWestPanel             |    32 |
      |                           |                                                                   | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.searchreplacewindow         |    32 |
      |                           |                                                                   | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.visualReviewPanel                  |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor bottom panel default configuration                         | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.languageResourceEditorPanel |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor left panel default configuration                           | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.westPanel                   |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor left panel file tree default configuration                 | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.westPanelFileorderTree      |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor left panel review file tree default configuration          | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.westPanelReferenceFileTree  |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor right panel default configuration                          | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.eastPanel                   |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor right panel review comments area default configuration     | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.eastPanelCommentPanel       |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor right panel review segment meta data default configuration | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.eastPanelSegmentsMetapanel  |    32 |
      | Editor: UI layout & more  | Editor segment table default configuration                        | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.editor.segmentsGrid                |    32 |
      | Project and task overview | Task overview default configuration                               | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.adminTaskGrid                      |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window client overview: No auto-show                         | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.customeroverview        |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window editor: No auto-show                                  | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.editor                  |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window language resources: No auto-show                      | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.languageresource        |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window preferences: No auto-show                             | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.preferences             |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window project overview: No auto-show                        | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.project                 |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window task overview: No auto-show                           | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.taskoverview            |    32 |
      | System setup: Help        | Help window user overview: No auto-show                           | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.useroverview            |    32 |
      | User management           | User overview default configuration                               | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.adminUserGrid                      |    32 |


      | guiGroup                  | guiName                             | name                                               | level |
      | Project and task overview | PM mail address in task overview    | runtimeOptions.frontend.tasklist.pmMailTo          |     2 |
      | Project and task overview | Task overview default configuration | runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.adminTaskGrid |    32 |

      The remaining "runtimeOptions.frontend.tasklist.pmMailTo" is also related to Editor: UI layout & more, so no separate "Project and task overview" group is needed.

      Same for "File-parser: after tag protection regex" which should go into "File formats", as the other CSV stuff.

      What is the difference between "Language resources" and "System setup: Language resources"? When I look into the associated values I can not recognize a pattern which guiGroup is used:


      | guiGroup                         | guiName                                                    | name                                                                       | category   | module |
      | Language resources               | Google default match rate                                  | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.google.matchrate                          | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Google: API key                                            | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.google.apiKey                             | system     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Google: project id                                         | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.google.projectId                          | system     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Language resource import: Max. parallel processes          | runtimeOptions.worker.editor_Services_ImportWorker.maxParallelWorkers      | worker     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Lucy LT credentials                                        | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.lucylt.credentials                        | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Lucy LT default match rate                                 | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.lucylt.matchrate                          | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Lucy LT server URL(s)                                      | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.lucylt.server                             | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Microsoft translator API key                               | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.microsoft.apiKey                          | system     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Microsoft translator API URL                               | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.microsoft.apiUrl                          | system     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Moses default match rate                                   | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.moses.matchrate                           | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Moses server URL(s)                                        | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.moses.server                              | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | MS Translator default match rate                           | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.microsoft.matchrate                       | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Only TermCollections assigned: Hide fuzzy match panel      | runtimeOptions.editor.LanguageResources.disableIfOnlyTermCollection        | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | OpenTM2 instance pre-fix                                   | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.opentm2.tmprefix                          | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | OpenTM2 server URL(s)                                      | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.opentm2.server                            | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | OpenTM2: Show all 100% matches                             | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.opentm2.showMultiple100PercentMatches     | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Preload fuzzy matches in advance                           | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.preloadedTranslationSegments              | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Resource usage log lifetime                                | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.usageLogger.logLifetime                   | system     | editor |
      | Language resources               | SDL language cloud API key                                 | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.sdllanguagecloud.apiKey                   | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | SDL language cloud default match rate                      | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.sdllanguagecloud.matchrate                | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | SDL language cloud server URL(s)                           | runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.sdllanguagecloud.server                   | editor     | editor |
      | Language resources               | Term import: Map non-standard term status                  | runtimeOptions.tbx.termImportMap.across_ISO_picklist_Usage.do not use      | termtagger | editor |
      | Language resources               | Term import: Map non-standard term status                  | runtimeOptions.tbx.termImportMap.across_ISO_picklist_Verwendung.Unwort     | termtagger | editor |
      | Language resources               | Term import: Map non-standard term status                  | runtimeOptions.tbx.termImportMap.across_userdef_picklist_Verwendung.Unwort | termtagger | editor |
      | Language resources               | Terminology import: Default term attributes process status | runtimeOptions.tbx.defaultTermAttributeStatus                              | import     | editor |
      | Language resources               | TermTagger for GUI                                         | runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.gui                                          | termtagger | plugin |
      | Language resources               | TermTagger for imports                                     | runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.import                                       | termtagger | plugin |
      | System setup: Language resources | DeepL API key                                              | runtimeOptions.plugins.DeepL.authkey                                       | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | DeepL api parameter: language formality                    | runtimeOptions.plugins.DeepL.api.parametars.formality                      | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | DeepL API URL                                              | runtimeOptions.plugins.DeepL.server                                        | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | DeepL default match rate                                   | runtimeOptions.plugins.DeepL.matchrate                                     | editor     | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | Globalese: API key                                         | runtimeOptions.plugins.GlobalesePreTranslation.api.apiKey                  | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | Globalese: API URL                                         | runtimeOptions.plugins.GlobalesePreTranslation.api.url                     | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | Globalese: API username                                    | runtimeOptions.plugins.GlobalesePreTranslation.api.username                | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | GroupShare: TM Service URL                                 | runtimeOptions.plugins.GroupShare.TMService.server                         | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | GroupShare: Web API URL                                    | runtimeOptions.plugins.GroupShare.WebAPI.server                            | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | Language resource batch query: Enable                      | runtimeOptions.plugins.MatchAnalysis.enableBatchQuery                      | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | ModelFront API token                                       | runtimeOptions.plugins.ModelFront.apiToken                                 | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | ModelFront API URL                                         | runtimeOptions.plugins.ModelFront.apiUrl                                   | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | NEC-TM: API credentials                                    | runtimeOptions.plugins.NecTm.credentials                                   | editor     | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | NEC-TM: API URL                                            | runtimeOptions.plugins.NecTm.server                                        | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | NEC-TM: Top-level categories                               | runtimeOptions.plugins.NecTm.topLevelCategoriesIds                         | editor     | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | PangeaMT API key                                           | runtimeOptions.plugins.PangeaMt.apikey                                     | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | PangeaMT API URL                                           | runtimeOptions.plugins.PangeaMt.server                                     | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | PangeaMT default match rate                                | runtimeOptions.plugins.PangeaMt.matchrate                                  | editor     | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | PangeaMT timeout                                           | runtimeOptions.plugins.PangeaMt.requestTimeout                             | plugins    | editor |
      | System setup: Language resources | SDL GroupShare credentials                                 | runtimeOptions.plugins.GroupShare.credentials                              | editor     | editor |


      The entry "runtimeOptions.editor.LanguageResources.disableIfOnlyTermCollection" should be renamed so that ".editor." is removed. All other similar configs also do not contain ".editor.".

      Please specify what to do.

      Configs to be deleted, since not used anymore:






            marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
            tlauria Thomas Lauria
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