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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2483

Save InstantTranslate translation to TM



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      Enables translation to be saved to "Instant-Translate" TM memory. For more info how this should be used, check this link: https://confluence.translate5.net/display/TAD/InstantTranslate
      Enables translation to be saved to "Instant-Translate" TM memory. For more info how this should be used, check this link: https://confluence.translate5.net/display/TAD/InstantTranslate
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      The user gets the possibility to save an InstantTranslate translation to a TM, if he wishes to do so.

      Handling within translate5

      A TM is created on the fly

      • if the functionality is used and no memory with the InstantTranslate-DB-flag exists so far for the language combination for this client
      • name of memory: InstantTranslate memory
      • Memory type: OpenTM2; can be defined in configuration, overwriteable on client level (GroupShare not possible yet, because memory creation is not yet implemented in GroupShare connector)
      • the memory is listed as a usual memory in the language resources section of translate5 and can be used everywhere in translate5 as such
      • A new boolean column in the LanguageResources overview shows, if a memory is an InstantTranslate Memory
      • It has a DB flag, that outlines it as memory used for InstantTranslate
      • For each client that is assigned to a user that uses InstantTranslate, one memory is created
      • A new role is created: "InstantTranslate Update TM". The new functionality is only available for users with that role.

      If a result text is saved in InstantTranslate, it is saved to the InstantTranslate memories of all clients, that are assigned to the current user.



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              aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

