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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2777

Usability enhancements for TermPortal



    • Critical
    • Added a number of usability enhancements for TermPortal


      1. the filter field currently looks like the search field. It should differ and the search field should stay as it is, but should look more important. So maybe the search field could have a soft grey border and background or something similar.
      2. In the center panel the language shortcuts and flags and terms should all start with the same left offset, as if they would be within columns
      3. "Languages to show" selection is reset, if you change to a search result entry, whose termentry does not contain terms in the selected languages. Instead it should stay and an empty center panel should be shown.
      4. The "images" and "cross references" sections should only be shown, if there really are images or cross references. If not, you should be able to select "image" or "cross reference" from the list of addable attributes.
      5. Please make the 3 subpanels on the right side collapsable (by default open)
      6. Do not show TBX-IDs if the user has only the role "Term search"
      7. If the text in a text field of an attribute is longer than the field, the user does not see, that the text is longer and that what the longer text is. We should find a solution for this. Could you think of one and propose it?
      8. Please rename "External cross-references" to "External references" (in entry and term-level attributes)
      9. In the External references grid please change the EN texts to
        Double-click to specify url
        Double-click to specify name
        (so lower case for url and name)
      10. Please provide the following tooltips behind an info icon:
        1. Next to the "plus" of "Cross references" in the entry attributes:
          DE: "Verweist auf einen anderen Eintrag. Bitte fügen Sie die TBX-ID des anderen Eintrags ein."
          EN: "Refers to another term entry. Please insert the TBX ID of the other entry."
        2. Next to the "plus" of "Cross references" in the term attributes:
          DE: "Verweist auf eine andere Benennung. Bitte fügen Sie die TBX-ID der anderen Benennung ein."
          EN: "Refers to another term. Please insert the TBX ID of the other term."
        3. Next to the "plus" of "External references" in the entry attributes and in the term attributes:
          DE: "Ermöglicht den Verweis auf eine externe Quelle, wie z. B. eine Website."
          EN: "Allows you to reference an external source, e. g. such as a website."
        4. Next to the "plus" of "External images" in the entry attributes:
          DE: "Ermöglicht den Verweis auf ein externes Bild, z. B. auf einer Website."
          EN: "Allows you to link to an external image, for example, on a website."
      11. If you click on the "plus" to add an image and then abort, the cloud image is inserted. That should not be the case



        1. image-2022-01-13-19-41-24-107.png
          7 kB
          Marc Mittag [Administrator]
        2. image-2022-01-13-20-02-05-005.png
          7 kB
          Marc Mittag [Administrator]
        3. TermPortal(6).png
          70 kB
          Marc Mittag [Administrator]



            pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
            marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

