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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2266 Custom file filter configuration with GUI / BCONF Management
  3. TRANSLATE-2931

Import file format and segmentation settings - Bconf Management (Milestone 1)



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    • Remove Support for bconf files included in Import Archives
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      Translate5 can now manage Okapi BatchConfiguration files - needed for configuring the import file filters. Admins and PMs can upload, download, rename Bconfs and upload and download contained SRX files in the new 'File format and segmentation settings' grid under 'Preferences'. It is also available under 'Clients' to easily handle specific requirements of different customers. You can also set a default there, which overrides the one from the global perspective. During Project Creation a dropdown menu presents the available Bconf files for the chosen client, preset with the configured default. The selected one is then passed to Okapi on import.
      Translate5 can now manage Okapi BatchConfiguration files - needed for configuring the import file filters. Admins and PMs can upload, download, rename Bconfs and upload and download contained SRX files in the new 'File format and segmentation settings' grid under 'Preferences'. It is also available under 'Clients' to easily handle specific requirements of different customers. You can also set a default there, which overrides the one from the global perspective. During Project Creation a dropdown menu presents the available Bconf files for the chosen client, preset with the configured default. The selected one is then passed to Okapi on import.


      Milestone 1 of the BCONF Management

      • Disassembly/Assembly of Bconfs inĀ  file-based parts & DB based model with metadata
      • Management Frontend for System and Customer level
      • Upload new BCONFs, delete BCONFs, set BCONFs as default on Customer & System Level
      • Frontend to select BCONF (matching default initially set) in task Import Wizard
      • Usage of defined Bconf (via Frontend or by customer default on API-usage) in the OKAPI conversion on Import
      • Remove Support for Bconfs in Import-ZIPs
      • Install Script will check for customized default Bconf's in Zf-Configuration and report in a log if special (-> Thomas)
      • Import of SRX: Chexk uploaded file for validity (readable XML, root node "srx")
      • Include default Bconf with fixed path and version number
        • Implement update mechanism when version number increase is detected

      This milestone will be released


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              christophlamparter Christoph Lamparter (Inactive)
              axelbecher Axel Becher
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