Resolution: Fixed
Remove Support for bconf files included in Import Archives
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Milestone 1 of the BCONF Management
- Disassembly/Assembly of Bconfs inĀ file-based parts & DB based model with metadata
- Management Frontend for System and Customer level
- Upload new BCONFs, delete BCONFs, set BCONFs as default on Customer & System Level
- Frontend to select BCONF (matching default initially set) in task Import Wizard
- Usage of defined Bconf (via Frontend or by customer default on API-usage) in the OKAPI conversion on Import
- Remove Support for Bconfs in Import-ZIPs
- Install Script will check for customized default Bconf's in Zf-Configuration and report in a log if special (-> Thomas)
- Import of SRX: Chexk uploaded file for validity (readable XML, root node "srx")
- Include default Bconf with fixed path and version number
- Implement update mechanism when version number increase is detected
This milestone will be released
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-2932 BCONF Management Milestone 2
- Done