New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Added ability to set job deadlines for multiple projects or tasks at the same time
Frontend |
- in our case for now only the deadline date
- When the batch set window is shown, all checked projects/tasks in new task/project grid checkbox column which will be used to get the tasks/projects for which we want to batch-set value
- In multiple set window add new field-set(separate component) with 3 new fields
- workflow
- workflow step
- deadline date
- Save button which will get all selected project/project tasks, and set the selected value
- I assume that as soon as we implement this feature, there will be requests for additional batch-set(assign users etc). So because of this, we should make the frontend implementation more general.
Ex: each batch-set component should have target route and arguments or unified method where on save button we loop over all such components and we trigger save call for each of them. DeadlineDateBatch: save request goes to taskuserassocdeadlinedatabatchOperation UserAssocBatch: save request goes to taskuserassocaddnewuserbatchOperation
TaskDeliveryDataBatch: save request goes to taskdeliverydatabatch etc.. |Backend Backend
1. The idea is to have multiple operations in future, not only the deadline
- in task user assoc, new deadlineDateOperation, which will set the deadline date for all
users associations in the given workflow and workflow step
Additional technical notes
To reduce complexity and stay consistent we will work with extjs filters. This means
- when selecting tasks with checkbox this should send task id list filter with all selected rows in it
- when sending the current filtering, we will just take the applied task filter in the project grid and sent it to the backend
On the backend side, we will uses the native zend select with loadFilterCustom then which will load us the affected tasks or even combine this directly with update query.
Will NOT BE possible to send multiple batch operations at once (ex: deadlineDate update + visual pdf at once) !!
See attached screenshots how this is intended to work in UI.
UI texts:
EN: Bulk change properties
DE: Massenänderungen
EN: Set for all selected
DE: Für alle selektierten ändern
EN: Set for all in current filtering
DE: Für alle in Filterung ändern
EN: Will set property for all selected tasks or projects
DE: Setzt Eigenschaften für alle ausgewählten Aufgaben oder Projekte
EN: Caution: Will set property for all tasks/projects in the currently set filtering of projects
DE: Achtung! Setzt die Eigenschaft für alle Aufgaben/Projekte in der aktuell eingestellten Filterung der Projekte
Those UI texts not mentioned here should already be used in other parts of the application and should be drawn from there.
When clicking on "Set for all in current filtering" a warn pop-up should appear with the following question. With Yes/No-Buttons. When clicked on "Yes" nothing should be done.
EN: Changes the property in all projects in the current filtering. Better abort?
DE: Setzt die Eigenschaft in allen Projekten in der aktuellen Filterung. Besser abbrechen?
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-4093 OKAPI integration: Compatibility with 1.4.7, clean up Pipelines
- Final pull request
- is blocked by
TRANSLATE-4213 Define Callback in config client-overwritable
- Done
- relates to
TRANSLATE-3786 exchange Visual PDF in batch for several projects
- Open
- mentioned in
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