Resolution: Fixed
Fix setting a customer default for the default customer, Fix auto selection of Bconfs in Import Wizard, Fix highlighting of effective default in customer Bconf grid, Fix handling of Bconfs with long names
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The following is not working
- setting a new default in the system settings for a bconf does not lead to selecting this bconf as new default in the import dialogue
- with settings like described in previous bullet: I select in the projet wizard the bconf manually, that should be the new default. This results in:
- Still the "translate5 standard" bconf is used for converting the task (not the new default from system settings, that also had been selected once more in the project wizard)
- in the import-archive-zip, that I download, I get bconf-1.bconf and bconf-2.bconf both present. bconf-1.bconf is the translate5-Standard, that has acutally been used for the task and bconf-2.bconf is the one I wanted to select, but which was not used
- Selecting a new client default for the defaultcustomer does not work
- when uploading the attached bconf to one client and afterwards to another client, I get an error 500 message from the backend