New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
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There should be a new system configuration flag "Anonymize users in TermPortal". If it is active, only users with TermPM and "TermPM allclients" rights should see, who did modify or create a term or termEntry.
All other users should see instead of the user name the text "Anonymized user".
The flag should be overwriteable on client level.
This means, if on client level "Anonymize users in TermPortal" is active and the TermCollection, to which the current termEntry belongs, belongs to this client, terms should be anonymized.
Also, 'Created By' and 'Updated By' fields in Filter window should be hidden in case if flag is On for all clients that are currently available for the user
If TermCollection belongs to two clients, and anonimyze-flag is turned on for one of them - then tbx-person should NOT be replaced by 'Anonymized user'