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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3284

Tasks in "competetive mode" get accepted automatically



    • Medium
    • FIXED: tasks are now not being auto-accepted when auto-opened after login


      If you assign a user to a task, that is in competitive mode, he receives an e-mail, that he is assigned to the task with a link to the task.

      If he clicks the link and logs in, the task will be accepted automatically.

      This is wrong. The task should open in read-only mode and he should then have to accept the task, if he wants to take the responsibility for the task.

      To reproduce:

      • Switch an existing task to "competetive" in the task properties for the multi user mode
      • Assign it to a user that has no pm rights. The job assignment has the job status "unconfirmed".
      • log in as the user (without calling the task URL) and open the task
      • you will see a pop-up asking you, if you want to accept the task. Do NOT click it
      • Log out again.
      • Log in with the same user, that is assigned to the task, but call the URL to the task directly before log-in
      • The task opens directly and you will NOT see the pop-up asking you to accept the task.
      • leave the task again
      • Check the job status of the user. It has now the status "open" instead of unconfirmed, as it should have.




            pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
            marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
            Aleksandar Mitrev
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

