Resolution: Fixed
Enhanced the way of how false-positives flag can be spreaded across similar AutoQA errors
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This is about the small window, that appears, on right-clicking an error in the segment:
Currently the number on the right side of the window is only clickable, if the check-box on the left is clicked first. In the future the number should be clickable right away and should immediately mark all such errors as false positive.
If the checkbox to mark as false positive OR the number to mark all as false positive is clicked, the false positive pop-up should auto-close.
The number on the right should be changed: Currently it shows the number of identical errors, that exist in the task in addition to the current one. In the future it should include the current one (so should be at least 1).
A tool-tip on the entire window should say:
DE: Ein Klick auf die Check-Box markiert den aktuellen Fehler als "falschen Fehler".
Ein Klick auf die Zahl rechts markiert alle identischen Fehler als "falsche Fehler".
EN: A click on the check box marks the current error as "false error".
A click on the number on the right marks all identical errors as "false errors".
The analogous changes should be implemented for the possibility to set errors as false positive in the right column for the open segment.