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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3534

TrackChanges sdlxliff round-trip



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      Accept track changes sdlxliff markup on import and transform it to translate5 syntax.
      Propagate translate5 track changes to sdlxliff file on export
      Accept track changes sdlxliff markup on import and transform it to translate5 syntax. Propagate translate5 track changes to sdlxliff file on export


      So far it is only possible to export trackchanges with sdlxliff, that reflects the diff to the import status.

      Trackchanges markup at import time is all accepted from sdlxliff.

      In the future

      • trackchanges from sdlxliff are converted to translate5 TrackChanges
      • on export translate5 TrackChanges are converted to sdlxliff trackChanges

      The old way to export TrackChanges as diff to the import status and to accept TrackChanges at import time that are present in sdlxliff should still be the default for installations without TrackChanges plug-in.

      If client's TrackChanges plugin inactive and import.sdlxliff.applyChangeMarks set to true
      All contents that are marked "deleted" in sdlxliff should be deleted from the segment. All contents marked as "added" should stay and

      trackchanges markup should be removed. (this is current behavior, but independent of TrackChanges plug-in

      If client's TrackChanges plugin is inactive and runtimeOptions.import.sdlxliff.applyChangeMarks set to true
      all contents that are marked "deleted" in sdlxliff will be deleted from the segment. All contents marked as "added" will stay and trackchanges markup will be removed. (this is current behavior, but independent of TrackChanges plug-in

      If client's TrackChanges plugin is inactive and runtimeOptions.import.sdlxliff.applyChangeMarks set to false
      An error will be thrown and import aborted
      If TrackChanges plugin is active and runtimeOptions.import.sdlxliff.applyChangeMarks set to true
      the config will do nothing at all. TrackChanges markup in sdlxliff will lead to trackChanges markup in translate5
      If TrackChanges plugin is active and runtimeOptions.import.sdlxliff.applyChangeMarks set to false
      the config will do nothing at all. TrackChanges markup in sdlxliff will lead to trackChanges markup in translate5

      The config title and description should be changed to:

      SDLXLIFF track changes: Apply on import (config has no effect, if translate5 trackChanges plug-in is active)
      _Defines if SDLXLIFF change marks should be applied to and removed from the content, or if they should produce an error on import. If translate5 trackChanges plug-in is active, this config is disregarded and sdlxliff trackChanges mark-up is converted to translate5 trackChanges mark-up on import and reconverted to sdlxliff markup on export. See https://confluence.translate5.net/display/BUS/SDLXLIFF._


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              sanya@mittagqi.com Sanya Mikhliaiev
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              Thomas Lauria
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

