Resolution: Unresolved
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Context of the issue
We want to get rid of all "toast" messages in the editor, because they are disturbing users.
Also it makes sense, that errors and warn-messages should be possible to still read later and see, what happened at what segment.
Therefore it makes sense to introduce an event logging grid in the editor, similar to that, what we have for a task in the PM overview.
To be implented
What to be logged
- all toast messages (they should only appear in the log in the future)
- all warnings and errors, that pop up at the moment and need to be confirmed with "ok" or similar (they should still appear as pop-ups)
- NOT be logged should be warnings of the tag-check (they are anyway shown in the auto-qa)
Where to be logged / Who can see it
Proposal: task event log. To be decided by Thomas, Pavel and Sylvi together
If we do that: Make sure, that
- all informational messages (toast messages so far) can only be seen in the event log inside the editor (not on pm level)
- warnings and errors happening inside the editor can be seen in the event log inside the editor AND on PM level
- messages of the task event log that have nothing to do with editing of the task can still only be seen in the event log of the PM
UI design
- Grid in pop-up window
- Button in the toolbar above the grid, that shows the current number of info, warning and error messages together with an icon for each on the button itself.
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-3694 Change status of all segments in the current filtering / selection
- Open
- is blocked by
TRANSLATE-3944 Test Suite "Performance Tests"
- Selected for dev