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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3635

Usage of "target at import time" as source for tags: Only for bilingual tasks



      Please talk with Marc before starting this.

      Current behavior is,

      • "target at import time" column in the editor is used as source for handling of tags
        • if it has been populated by pre-translation or by a pre-populated bilingual file at time of import
        • and not if it has been left empty at import time for what ever reason

      Future behavior should be

      • target at import time" column in the editor is used as source for handling of tags (and only then)
        • if it has been populated by a pre-populated bilingual file at time of import
        • but NOT if it has been populated by pre-translation within translate5

      Handling of tags of tags refers to

      • tag check in front-end
      • tag check in autoQA in back-end
      • taking over tags via short-cut in front-end


      • Some clients pre-populate segments also with Fuzzy matches in pre-translation (by setting pre-translation match rate e. g. to 80%)
      • Even 100% matches or pre-translations from MT may have tag errors
      • So in both scenarios it does not make sense to use the pre-translated segment as a source for the tag check


      Also please change the description of the following config, so that it really reflects, what it does.

      Current text:

      Use Source text as reference for review task
      If enabled 'Source text' filed is used as reference for checking tags, otherwise 'Target text at time of import' is used. This is only for review tasks.

      Please change it to

      Use Source text as reference source for tags for review task
      If enabled 'Source text' field is used as reference for checking and copying tags, otherwise 'Target text at time of import' is used. This is only for review tasks, so tasks where directly the bilingual files have been imported to translate5 and even for those tasks only for segments, that had already content in the target of the imported bilingual segments.


      Also until recently we had a bug, that populated "target at import time", when a match was taken over by the user. This is fixed now, but the data is still there. So we should empty the "target at import time" field for all segments, that

      • do not stem from a pre-translation
      • AND where the target had been empty in the imported xliff file



        Issue Links


            [TRANSLATE-3635] Usage of "target at import time" as source for tags: Only for bilingual tasks
            Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Waiting for support Selected for dev
            1m 11s 1
            Leon Kiz made transition -
            In Progress Front-end testing
            4d 2h 23m 1
            Leon Kiz made transition -
            Front-end testing In Progress
            9s 1
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Releasable Selected for dev
            48s 1
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Selected for dev In Progress
            6d 13h 10m 2
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            In Progress Final pull request
            22m 15s 2
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Final pull request Front-end testing
            8d 3h 38m 2
            Sylvia Schumacher made transition -
            Front-end testing Releasable
            2d 9m 2
            Aleksandar Mitrev made transition -
            Releasable Done
            4h 41m 1
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Done Selected for dev
            58d 20h 56m 1
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Selected for dev Open
            55s 1
            Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
            Open Done
            1m 18s 1


              leonkiz Leon Kiz
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              Thomas Lauria
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

