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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3794

Improve reimport tasks mechanism



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      New command is added for reimport task segments to TM
      Added new button to the language resources UI for reimporting only updated segments
      New command is added for reimport task segments to TM Added new button to the language resources UI for reimporting only updated segments


      Need to do next:

      • extends "Reimport tasks" mechanism by an option, that only saves segments, that have been saved previosly by a user (for now all segments, that are NOT in the process states "not translated", "Pre-translated", "locked" or "blocked")
      • add this to the UI
      • add a t5 cmd that allows to do that from the CMD for a single task or for all tasks (and also choose on CMD, if all segments are reimported or only those in final usage status)

      Button texts:

      EN: Save all segments to TM
      => Tooltip: Saves all segments of all tasks, that are checked above and are assigned to the TM with write permissions
      EN: Save user-saved segments to TM
      => Tooltip: Saves only those segments, that previously have been manually saved by a user. Does this for all tasks, that are checked above and are assigned to the TM with write permissions.

      DE: Alle Segmente im TM speichern
      => Tooltip: Speichert alle Segmente aller Aufgaben, die oben angehakt sind und dem TM mit Schreibrechten zugewiesen sind
      DE: Benutzer-gespeicherte Segmente im TM speichern
      => Tooltip: Speichert nur die Abschnitte, die zuvor von einem Benutzer manuell gespeichert wurden. Dies gilt für alle Aufgaben, die oben angehakt sind und dem TM mit Schreibrechten zugewiesen sind.




            leonkiz Leon Kiz
            leonkiz Leon Kiz
            Thomas Lauria
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

