New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
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Need to do next:
- extends "Reimport tasks" mechanism by an option, that only saves segments, that have been saved previosly by a user (for now all segments, that are NOT in the process states "not translated", "Pre-translated", "locked" or "blocked")
- add this to the UI
- add a t5 cmd that allows to do that from the CMD for a single task or for all tasks (and also choose on CMD, if all segments are reimported or only those in final usage status)
Button texts:
EN: Save all segments to TM
=> Tooltip: Saves all segments of all tasks, that are checked above and are assigned to the TM with write permissions
EN: Save user-saved segments to TM
=> Tooltip: Saves only those segments, that previously have been manually saved by a user. Does this for all tasks, that are checked above and are assigned to the TM with write permissions.
DE: Alle Segmente im TM speichern
=> Tooltip: Speichert alle Segmente aller Aufgaben, die oben angehakt sind und dem TM mit Schreibrechten zugewiesen sind
DE: Benutzer-gespeicherte Segmente im TM speichern
=> Tooltip: Speichert nur die Abschnitte, die zuvor von einem Benutzer manuell gespeichert wurden. Dies gilt für alle Aufgaben, die oben angehakt sind und dem TM mit Schreibrechten zugewiesen sind.