Resolution: Fixed
FIX Visual Reflow: Detected Numbered lists-items may not actually be numbered lists leading to broken layouts.
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Detected Numbered lists may not actually be numbered lists leading to faulty/shifted layouts
Solution: add second "repair" run after paragraph/list detection
Paragraph/List/ToC detection tries to find as many paragraphs as possible, within this detection paragraphs cannot be dismissed early as sequences of paragraphs/lists need to be taken into account
within this detection leading (and closing, that do not cause problems though) numbers have a special role and are seperated from the element
In the repair-run all Lists/Paragraphs/ToC-Elements need to be rechecked and joined to the original "single-line" state when
a seperate leading number is not in conjunction with an inset next line but the next line is left or center aligned
a seperate leading number without a next line and not in a sequence of paragraphs