Resolution: Fixed
Tags recognition in concordance search panel changed to reflect actual tags ordering
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When replacing tags in response from t5memory in concordance search panel tags are replaced in normal ordering 1,2,3... without being paired
For example t5memory response source may have something like
VORTEILE<bpt x="501" i="1"/>online<ept i="1"/> ID (z. B. >55-30528) aus der Broschüre bei VORTEILE<bpt x="502" i="2"/>online<ept i="2"/> ins Suchfeld eingeben und mehr zum Thema erfahren! 123
And while replacing t5memory tags with t5 internal format tags are replaced sequentially <1/>, <2/>, <3/>, <4/> but should be <1> <2> </2> </1> (see details on a screenshot)
Need to fix this behavior