Resolution: Unresolved
Empty show more show less
1. segment is not fully visible
2. in empty segments some strange bits are visible:
When you type in the target segment, they disappear
3. the insertion of tag via ctrl + , + number is not working, for usual tags and for content protection tags
4. Ctrl + ALT + Enter not working
to reproduce: open any segment to edit and press CTRL + ALT + Enter, nothing happens, then use the button for this, the next segment will open. NOW the shortcut will work, too
5. Ctrl +R not working
Ctrl+R should show the spellcheck suggestions, but instead it will reload the page
6. Open segment does not change size
When enlarging the view with Ctrl and + or - the font size of the segment table will change but inside the open segment it will just stay the same
7. Browsers own spell check is not deactivated
See screenshot:
8. Color of text is not real black, but some dark grey. Also font size seems to be smaller.
Should be black and same size as other segments. See screenshot in previous issue.
9. Why is "open-source" in this segment underlined blue and black?
Maybe I (Marc) do not understand some feature?
10. Error occurred on dragging and dropping a tag
Reproduceable with the second tag in this segment:
11. Cutting a tag with CTRL+x works strange
If you cut a tag with CTRL+x at first nothing happens. The tag only disappears, after the user types any arrow key. If the user instead types a letter key, this error occurs:
12. Saving a segment with tag errors does not work
If I copy the closing tag from the source in this segment
and enter it to the target and then save the segment, the error message about tag duplication occurs. If I click "save anyway" the same message appears again. If I again click "save anyway" the message disappears, but the segment is not saved.
New round
13. Rootcause error when switching to simple mode
14. If a text within one trackChanges block is long, it does not break into a new line
Therefore the editing field grows then horizontally instead of vertically, what it should.
15. Space is deleted after saving
I have this segment in the open editor
after saving it, it looks like this (the space between "Stärke" and "die" is gone). Reproduceable here:
16. just selected a word and a tag with the mouse and got this crash in new editor
This was the segment, where I selected first tag and word:
17. Make the segment editor same height and dimensions as not opened segment
Currently, if you open a segment, the line height gets much bigger than before. This is irritating for users eyes and concentration, if that happens all the time.
I know, this has been similar with old editor (yet not as much as at the moment). But we should get rid of it. The segment should exactly have the same dimensions after opening as before. Is that possible without huge efforts?
18. Selecting tag at the start of a segment via keyboard not possible - (ckeditor bug, issue reported
In Firefox open segment that contains a tag at start of the segment, e. g. this one:
Set the cursor somewhere in the text between the tags. Press CTRL+SHIFT+arrow left key several times. Selection stops before the tag. Same happens if doing the same but without CTRL.
19. Whitespace when typing a very long text within one block
If you type in segment the text that you see in the following screen at its position you see, that some whitespace appears, so lines do not break, as they would be expected to. Is that possible to solve? It is not a major problem, but would be nice to solve. So do not spend huge efforts here.
20. CTRL+z sometimes selects complete segment and only the next pressing of CTRL+Z then reverses the last action (fixed, can not change the colour for some reason)
This happens, if you cut a text with CTRL+x than move the cursor a bit via keyboard, wait a bit (2-5 seconds) and then press CTRL+z.
See video for demo
Bildschirmaufzeichnung vom 09.10.2024-22-21-38.webm
21. Shortcuts CTRL+ALT+↑ and CTRL+ALT+↓ do not work. Also the corresponding icons do not work (both Firefox)
=> According to Leon this is a Firefox on Ubuntu only-bug, that exists with old editor also. So we do not fix it.
22. Short-cuts CTRL+ + and CTRL + - do not work
They simply work (in Firefox) like it is browser default and enlarge all content in the tab. But they should only make the font size of the text in the editor of translate5 larger/smaller (like the corresponding icons still do)
23. No trackChanges mark-up added in a special case (could not reproduce)
When opening this segment
and set the cursor at the end of the segment and start typing no trackChanges markup is added, even if trackchanges is visible.
This happened after I activated displaying trackchanges in a segment (which was disabled before for the user) and then (I think) going to the next segment for editing.
24. CTRL+S does not trigger saving of segment but saving of webpage in some situations
To reproduce
- open a segment
- Select a part of the segment
- Go to "manual QA inside segment" in the right panel and enter something in its comment field
- For "manual QA inside segment" now select an error category via mouse, that should be applied to the segment
- This will now add one MQM-tag before your initial selection and 2
behind it.
- Now select the second of the 2 closing MQM tags via mouse
- now press ctrl+s
25. There are 2 closing MQM-tags inserted instead of one
See No. 24 for reproduction.
26. Crash-Report from Supertext in
27. Short-cuts for adding MQM-tags (qa inside segment) do not work
At least Firefox jumps to Tab 2 instead of inserting the MQM-tag 2
28. crash-reports on saving segment with mqm tags (duplicate of 24)
29. crash-report when inserting mqm tags at the start of a segment
30. Can we svg images for the mqm tags?
As we do for the other tags. Because the current png-images scale ugly on large screens (you see the single pixels).
31. Deleted and inserted tags look the same in opened editor with TrackChanges active
32. Weird cut and paste behavior with trackChanges
- open this segment - press CTRL+a
- press CTRL+x
- press CTRL+v
Result will be like in the following screen. Wrong is here:
- Opening tag inserted before the deletion
- text between the 2 tags again appears at the end of the segment as deleted
33. Deleting MQM tags, that have been saved to a segment is not possible - bug is not in editor but on the backend, reproducible on production as well (TRANSLATE-4316 created)
If I add MQM tags, save the segment, open it again and delete them again and save the segment they will reappear again. Try yourself with user mittagqi here
Wanted behavior: Treat them like normal tags are treated regarding trackChanges: If they are deleted, they are marked with "del". If they are inserted as "ins". If TrackChanges is deactivated (the plug-in) they should be really deleted. But in no case they should simply be recreated in a saved segment as if they would have never been deleted.
34. Cutting and pasting MQM tags does not work
Cutting them with CTRL-x is possible, but they can not be pasted anymore afterwards with CTRL-v
35. WYSIWYG does not work
If you edit a segment in the task
the edits are only reflected in the visual after saving. They should be when typing. I remember, we had this bug also in main translate5 branch and Axel fixed it some time ago. So perhaps this is not merged into editor-branch? But this would mean, that editor branch is trailing behind a lot.
36. Deleting withspace after term-markup leads to unexpected behavior
If you delete the whitespace after the word "Stärken" in the screenshot with backspace, then the term-markup is gone (although nothing of the marked term is deleted) and the cursor jumps to the start of the segment. Same thing happens, if you delete the whitespace before "Stärken" with the "del" key.
37. Cutting and pasting of trackchanges markup combined of edits of 2 users leads to unexpected results
See video for demo
38. Typing a new correct word within a spellcheck error does still shows the word as error.
Even after waiting a few seconds without doing something (in expectation, that the spellcheck should then run again).
But when saving the segment, spell check is run on the server side and everything looks good.
39. Adding MQM tag does not work anymore
When adding it via mouse to a selection, this error occurs
When adding it via keyboard shortcut to a selection nothing happens. When you then click outside the editor, the MQM tag is inserted, but sometimes only one of them and for sure not at the right position.
40. Deleting MQM tag will NOT delete its paired one
In the old segment editor, when deleting one MQM tag of a pair, the editor did delete the corresponding one automatically on saving of the segment to make sure, syntax stays intact. This needs to be reimplemented.
41. Spellcheck interfers with selection
Do the following:
- Enter some text (trackchanges active)
- right away afterwards select something by keyboard
- wait a moment, until spellcheck runs
- Result: Selection will be gone
Proposed solution: Do not run spellcheck, if something is selected
42. Selecting something and then very fast typing something will place first letter outside of TrackChanges markup
See video Bildschirmaufzeichnung vom 27.02.2025 21-34-22.webm
43. Move tag 2 times moves the deletion markup
See video. The position where the deleted </1> had been first marked as deleted moves, when moving the inserted </1> Tag again.
Front-end Testing Findings
Resolution: Unresolved
Empty show more show less
1. segment is not fully visible
2. in empty segments some strange bits are visible:
When you type in the target segment, they disappear
3. the insertion of tag via ctrl + , + number is not working, for usual tags and for content protection tags
4. Ctrl + ALT + Enter not working
to reproduce: open any segment to edit and press CTRL + ALT + Enter, nothing happens, then use the button for this, the next segment will open. NOW the shortcut will work, too
5. Ctrl +R not working
Ctrl+R should show the spellcheck suggestions, but instead it will reload the page
6. Open segment does not change size
When enlarging the view with Ctrl and + or - the font size of the segment table will change but inside the open segment it will just stay the same
7. Browsers own spell check is not deactivated
See screenshot:
8. Color of text is not real black, but some dark grey. Also font size seems to be smaller.
Should be black and same size as other segments. See screenshot in previous issue.
9. Why is "open-source" in this segment underlined blue and black?
Maybe I (Marc) do not understand some feature?
10. Error occurred on dragging and dropping a tag
Reproduceable with the second tag in this segment:
11. Cutting a tag with CTRL+x works strange
If you cut a tag with CTRL+x at first nothing happens. The tag only disappears, after the user types any arrow key. If the user instead types a letter key, this error occurs:
12. Saving a segment with tag errors does not work
If I copy the closing tag from the source in this segment
and enter it to the target and then save the segment, the error message about tag duplication occurs. If I click "save anyway" the same message appears again. If I again click "save anyway" the message disappears, but the segment is not saved.
New round
13. Rootcause error when switching to simple mode
14. If a text within one trackChanges block is long, it does not break into a new line
Therefore the editing field grows then horizontally instead of vertically, what it should.
15. Space is deleted after saving
I have this segment in the open editor
after saving it, it looks like this (the space between "Stärke" and "die" is gone). Reproduceable here:
16. just selected a word and a tag with the mouse and got this crash in new editor
This was the segment, where I selected first tag and word:
17. Make the segment editor same height and dimensions as not opened segment
Currently, if you open a segment, the line height gets much bigger than before. This is irritating for users eyes and concentration, if that happens all the time.
I know, this has been similar with old editor (yet not as much as at the moment). But we should get rid of it. The segment should exactly have the same dimensions after opening as before. Is that possible without huge efforts?
18. Selecting tag at the start of a segment via keyboard not possible - (ckeditor bug, issue reported
In Firefox open segment that contains a tag at start of the segment, e. g. this one:
Set the cursor somewhere in the text between the tags. Press CTRL+SHIFT+arrow left key several times. Selection stops before the tag. Same happens if doing the same but without CTRL.
19. Whitespace when typing a very long text within one block
If you type in segment the text that you see in the following screen at its position you see, that some whitespace appears, so lines do not break, as they would be expected to. Is that possible to solve? It is not a major problem, but would be nice to solve. So do not spend huge efforts here.
20. CTRL+z sometimes selects complete segment and only the next pressing of CTRL+Z then reverses the last action (fixed, can not change the colour for some reason)
This happens, if you cut a text with CTRL+x than move the cursor a bit via keyboard, wait a bit (2-5 seconds) and then press CTRL+z.
See video for demo
Bildschirmaufzeichnung vom 09.10.2024-22-21-38.webm
21. Shortcuts CTRL+ALT+↑ and CTRL+ALT+↓ do not work. Also the corresponding icons do not work (both Firefox)
=> According to Leon this is a Firefox on Ubuntu only-bug, that exists with old editor also. So we do not fix it.
22. Short-cuts CTRL+ + and CTRL + - do not work
They simply work (in Firefox) like it is browser default and enlarge all content in the tab. But they should only make the font size of the text in the editor of translate5 larger/smaller (like the corresponding icons still do)
23. No trackChanges mark-up added in a special case (could not reproduce)
When opening this segment
and set the cursor at the end of the segment and start typing no trackChanges markup is added, even if trackchanges is visible.
This happened after I activated displaying trackchanges in a segment (which was disabled before for the user) and then (I think) going to the next segment for editing.
24. CTRL+S does not trigger saving of segment but saving of webpage in some situations
To reproduce
- open a segment
- Select a part of the segment
- Go to "manual QA inside segment" in the right panel and enter something in its comment field
- For "manual QA inside segment" now select an error category via mouse, that should be applied to the segment
- This will now add one MQM-tag before your initial selection and 2
behind it.
- Now select the second of the 2 closing MQM tags via mouse
- now press ctrl+s
25. There are 2 closing MQM-tags inserted instead of one
See No. 24 for reproduction.
26. Crash-Report from Supertext in
27. Short-cuts for adding MQM-tags (qa inside segment) do not work
At least Firefox jumps to Tab 2 instead of inserting the MQM-tag 2
28. crash-reports on saving segment with mqm tags (duplicate of 24)
29. crash-report when inserting mqm tags at the start of a segment
30. Can we svg images for the mqm tags?
As we do for the other tags. Because the current png-images scale ugly on large screens (you see the single pixels).
31. Deleted and inserted tags look the same in opened editor with TrackChanges active
32. Weird cut and paste behavior with trackChanges
- open this segment - press CTRL+a
- press CTRL+x
- press CTRL+v
Result will be like in the following screen. Wrong is here:
- Opening tag inserted before the deletion
- text between the 2 tags again appears at the end of the segment as deleted
33. Deleting MQM tags, that have been saved to a segment is not possible - bug is not in editor but on the backend, reproducible on production as well (TRANSLATE-4316 created)
If I add MQM tags, save the segment, open it again and delete them again and save the segment they will reappear again. Try yourself with user mittagqi here
Wanted behavior: Treat them like normal tags are treated regarding trackChanges: If they are deleted, they are marked with "del". If they are inserted as "ins". If TrackChanges is deactivated (the plug-in) they should be really deleted. But in no case they should simply be recreated in a saved segment as if they would have never been deleted.
34. Cutting and pasting MQM tags does not work
Cutting them with CTRL-x is possible, but they can not be pasted anymore afterwards with CTRL-v
35. WYSIWYG does not work
If you edit a segment in the task
the edits are only reflected in the visual after saving. They should be when typing. I remember, we had this bug also in main translate5 branch and Axel fixed it some time ago. So perhaps this is not merged into editor-branch? But this would mean, that editor branch is trailing behind a lot.
36. Deleting withspace after term-markup leads to unexpected behavior
If you delete the whitespace after the word "Stärken" in the screenshot with backspace, then the term-markup is gone (although nothing of the marked term is deleted) and the cursor jumps to the start of the segment. Same thing happens, if you delete the whitespace before "Stärken" with the "del" key.
37. Cutting and pasting of trackchanges markup combined of edits of 2 users leads to unexpected results
See video for demo
38. Typing a new correct word within a spellcheck error does still shows the word as error.
Even after waiting a few seconds without doing something (in expectation, that the spellcheck should then run again).
But when saving the segment, spell check is run on the server side and everything looks good.
39. Adding MQM tag does not work anymore
When adding it via mouse to a selection, this error occurs
When adding it via keyboard shortcut to a selection nothing happens. When you then click outside the editor, the MQM tag is inserted, but sometimes only one of them and for sure not at the right position.
40. Deleting MQM tag will NOT delete its paired one
In the old segment editor, when deleting one MQM tag of a pair, the editor did delete the corresponding one automatically on saving of the segment to make sure, syntax stays intact. This needs to be reimplemented.
41. Spellcheck interfers with selection
Do the following:
- Enter some text (trackchanges active)
- right away afterwards select something by keyboard
- wait a moment, until spellcheck runs
- Result: Selection will be gone
Proposed solution: Do not run spellcheck, if something is selected
42. Selecting something and then very fast typing something will place first letter outside of TrackChanges markup
See video Bildschirmaufzeichnung vom 27.02.2025 21-34-22.webm
43. Move tag 2 times moves the deletion markup
See video. The position where the deleted </1> had been first marked as deleted moves, when moving the inserted </1> Tag again.