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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-4132

Auto-close jobs by task deadline



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       translate5 - 7.8.0: New date field project deadline date available for task.
       translate5 - 7.8.2: Auto-close jobs can be turned on and off by config. By default it is off.
       translate5 - 7.8.0: New date field project deadline date available for task.  translate5 - 7.8.2: Auto-close jobs can be turned on and off by config. By default it is off.


      Task Deadline Implementation:
      Introduce a deadline date field on task level.

      Automatic setting of job deadline based on task deadline

      Introduce a new config, that is overwritable on client level, that sets the job deadline to x% of the task deadline.

      Default of the config is 100%, meaning job deadline equals task deadline.

      This config will only be used, if a special flag is send with the API call, that is so far (and in the foreseeable future) not send from our UI. This is also reflected in the config description.

      This set deadline overwrites the "x days in the future" config for predefinition of job assignments in the client configuration. This also needs to be stated in the config description.

      It will be implemented, that the special client who ordered the special-import-plug-in sets this flag, when creating a project.

      Autoclose Feature:

      Introduce a new config, that defines, if jobs are automatically set to a new job-status "auto-finished", at 9:00PM of the day, when the job deadline is reached. The config should be overwriteable on client, import and task level.

      Email Notification Update:
      If auto-close is active for a task, expand the notifyDeadlineApproaching email text to include information, that the task will be automatically closed at 9:00 PM of the date XY (day of the job deadline).

      Implementation Details:

      • The deadline-date for jobs (task-user-assoc) is inherited from the project-deadline (x% if set), when the job-defaults are applied on automated/triggered creation via task wizard
      • When POST ing a Job (via adding a job to a created task), a parameter "calculateDeadlineDate"must be set to "1" to trigger the automatic calculation of the deadline (works only, if the task has also a deadline date obviously). This ensures, PMs still can post Jobs as normal
      • Setting overdue Jobs to "auto-finish" is done by cronjob at 9:00 PM local time




            axelbecher Axel Becher
            aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
            Thomas Lauria
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

