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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-4231

Offer WYSIWYG side of the visual as PDF download




      Currently it is possible to translate PDF files in InstantTranslate and normal translate5. But the translated file offered for download will be a txt file, because Okapi can not render it back to PDF.

      It is important, that the feature can be de/activated in sysconfig and that this can be overwritten on client level.


      Precondition: Visual Plug-in installed

      For a task created via InstantTranslate:

      If a PDF is uploaded for file translation:

      • on task creation, use the same PDF also as resource for the visual
      • if a PDF is uploaded in INstantTranslate, create a visual task in translate5 based on the same PDF as Visual
      • translate it
      • render translation on the serverside in headless chrome in the way, usually the browser does it with the visual feature
      • convert the rendered HTML to pdf again 
      • offer the pdf for download instead of the txt-file that translate5 so far offers for download
      • still offer the txt file for download, if the visual plug-in is not active

      For a task created via project creation api (not InstantTranslate)

      Do the same as outlined for InstantTranslate above (should anyway happen, since these are the same underlying processes)

      Make sure, that if already visual files have been provided, the file is not added, if it already had been added to the provided visual files via API (so that it is not used twice).

      Make sure, that if more than one file is provided for translation and visual files are also provided, the visual for the PDF is inserted at the position in the order of files for the visual, that reflects the order of to be translated files.

      For a task created via project creation wizard

      If a PDF is selected as file for translation: Show in or above the selection field for the visual files in the wizard a message:

      • EN: PDFs selected for translation will automatically used as visual. Do not select them here twice.
      • DE: Die für die Übersetzung ausgewählten PDFs werden automatisch für das Visual verwendet. Wählen Sie sie hier nicht nocheinmal aus.


      This download should include comments, that have been made in the visual area (not those made on the segments). The Annotations should be placed in the PDF at the same or a similar position as they have been in the visual, but as PDF comments.

      Confluence: https://confluence.translate5.net/display/MI/Hartmann+approval+process

      (De)Activation in config

      The feature will only be available, if the visual plug-in is enabled.

      In addition there should be a sysconfig (by default enabled), that determines, if the feature is available or not for the instance. Overwritable on client-level, also for InstantTranslate, if there is only 1 client configured for the user.


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              axelbecher Axel Becher
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              Axel Becher
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue

