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    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • openai
    • High
    • Added ablity to add pre-configured prompt(s) to a training


      Adjusting the trainings-Window to match the new data-model / stucture

      Left Column

      • Top: T5 sys-message always in blue and Tooltip "This message is added by translate5 and can not be changed" (-> future feature)
      • Below: each already sent training appears as own item, that can be opened (see two screens). The caption shall be "Fine tuning", not "Training"
      • Below: Prompt(s) = Sysmessage/Example Sets. Each set can be edited as in the prompt management. The "Remove prompt" button will remove the sys-msg and the related example (with confirmation for examplesets already existing on server-side)
      • Several sysmessages/examplesets can be added, they appear below each other, the sys-message followed by the example-set with the remove-button in the middle

      Right column

      • Top: Button to "Add prompt", Opens selector with list of existing sys-msg available with translated examples in the matching language-combination. The similarity of language works by language only, so we offer "en-US" examples for "en" and vice versa. Shown is a grid with name, comment, system-message as tooltip and an "Add" button.
      • Remove capabilities to add terminology
      • Change message for TMs that these will not show up as examples (just as a hint)
      • Future Feature: Button to add an complete empty Sysmesage/Exampleset, that would need a wizard-popup to specify the name/comment







            • Sub-task
            • Resolution: Unresolved
            • None
            • None
            • openai
            • High
            • Added ablity to add pre-configured prompt(s) to a training


              Adjusting the trainings-Window to match the new data-model / stucture

              Left Column

              • Top: T5 sys-message always in blue and Tooltip "This message is added by translate5 and can not be changed" (-> future feature)
              • Below: each already sent training appears as own item, that can be opened (see two screens). The caption shall be "Fine tuning", not "Training"
              • Below: Prompt(s) = Sysmessage/Example Sets. Each set can be edited as in the prompt management. The "Remove prompt" button will remove the sys-msg and the related example (with confirmation for examplesets already existing on server-side)
              • Several sysmessages/examplesets can be added, they appear below each other, the sys-message followed by the example-set with the remove-button in the middle

              Right column

              • Top: Button to "Add prompt", Opens selector with list of existing sys-msg available with translated examples in the matching language-combination. The similarity of language works by language only, so we offer "en-US" examples for "en" and vice versa. Shown is a grid with name, comment, system-message as tooltip and an "Add" button.
              • Remove capabilities to add terminology
              • Change message for TMs that these will not show up as examples (just as a hint)
              • Future Feature: Button to add an complete empty Sysmesage/Exampleset, that would need a wizard-popup to specify the name/comment






                    pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
                    axelbecher Axel Becher
                    Axel Becher
                    0 Vote for this issue
                    1 Start watching this issue




                        pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
                        axelbecher Axel Becher
                        Axel Becher
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        1 Start watching this issue

