
    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • openai
    • High
    • Frontend "Custom Instruction Management" to create customized instructionsets for use with OpenAI Models


      Instruction Management


      a) Overview: Shows the overview of the instructions with their name & comments in a grid. Action-Icons will be "edit" and "delete" and an "Add"-Button on top to create a new set

      • A set can only be deleted if no "LEK_openai_instructionset_assoc" items are existing

      b) Details/Edit: The edit screen of an Instruction-set. Name & Comment on top with the list of the instructions below. Editing will be direct inline editing.

      • The name is mandatory
      • A new set is based on the "instructions.json". All instructions are copied over from there
      • When a existing instruction is loaded, it will be diffed/updated with the "instruction.json": Keys not existing anymore will be removed, new keys are added with their predefined instruction
      • A set can only be saved, when all instructions contain the placeholders (e.g. "{#termpair#}", "{delimiter}", "{from}") of the uncustomized instruction (important!)

      The Details-Screen will have a "Test" button, that will render the system-message with the custom instruction set for 4 scenarios (segments will be in german)

      • A single segment translation without extras
      • A single segment with terminology: One termpair with differing source/target, one termpair with identical source/target
      • 3 segments, 1 having terminology, one having terminology and context, one segment having any extras and one segment having terminology and containg internal tags, which shall be rendered as "<1></1>" in the example

      This "test-result" is rendered on the backend to keep the code simple




            pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
            axelbecher Axel Becher
            Axel Becher
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

