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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-4416

Switch how differences in fuzzy matches are shown


    • Medium
    • FIXED: misleding styles for differences between segment and match



      In a fuzzy match the differences between the match from the TM and the source of the segment are shown in diff syntax.

      Currently what does exist in the segment source but NOT in the match source is shown in the match highlighted and striked through.

      And what does NOT exist in the segment source but exists in the match source is shown just highlighted in the match source.

      This is confusing for the translators, because all other tools do it just the opposite way.


      Just switch:

      What does exist in the segment source but NOT in the match source is should in the match source be just highlighted.

      What does NOT exist in the segment source but exists in the match source should be shown highlighted and striked-through in the match source.


      Please see attached screen as example. Here the word  "aber" is highlighted and striked through in the match. But it should only be highlighted, because it exists in the source.




          [TRANSLATE-4416] Switch how differences in fuzzy matches are shown
          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times
          Marc Mittag [Administrator] made transition -
          Waiting for support Selected for dev
          34s 1
          Pavel Perminov made transition -
          Selected for dev In Progress
          1d 13h 6m 1
          Pavel Perminov made transition -
          In Progress Final pull request
          1m 7s 1
          Aleksandar Mitrev made transition -
          Final pull request Front-end testing
          2h 49m 1
          Sylvia Schumacher made transition -
          Front-end testing Releasable
          8d 3h 7m 1
          Aleksandar Mitrev made transition -
          Releasable Done
          3h 52m 1


            pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
            marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
            Aleksandar Mitrev
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

