
    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • None


      For a further debugging a dump of actual application state is needed. Since a complete dump of the application is not possible (Ext.decode cant recognize references, so it ends up in a endless loop, a complete dump contains a lot of unneeded information) we have to define the data to send to the logger. To debug the
      For small object trees we can use a own implementation of a recursive dump method.
      A list of data logged at each error can be:

      • used browser and internal AJAX requestId if the logged error was an AJAX request.
      • size of the viewport (browser window)
      • information about the logged in user (userid, roles / rights)
      • The application version (actually completely missing in frontend)
      • Information about the open windows (does provide ExtJS a modal stack?)
      • Controller specific data through an optional controller method “getErrorDumpData”. So its possible to provide additional informations on a dynamic and specific way. The Segments Controller can provide data about currently opened segment, or in case of saving data about the save chain.
      • A Back Trace:
      • Each Ajax Request should contain the corresponding internal AJAX requestId as get Parameter, so we can associate acces_log and JS error log.
      • The last 10 AJAX requests should be logged in the browser in kind of stack. If an error occurs this stack can be logged to the server to get get the context of the error. The request stack should contain: sent parameters, the URL, the requestId, the received HTTP state from the server and a timestamp.




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            tlauria Thomas Lauria
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