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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2360

Overwrite system configuration: TODO's left



    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • Editor general
    • High


      Map JSON field editor

      Implement json field editor - configs with type json should be editable on the front-end. For all json fields set a suitable level, for now all json fields are set to level 1.

      TL: Here we have to distinguish between new type json and map type, for the map type a new issue is created.

      Remove edit100PercentMatch field

      Remove edit100PercentMatch field from the task entity and also from the frontend. This value should only be definable via "runtimeOptions.frontend.importTask.edit100PercentMatch" configuration.

      Attention: in the task properties panel, we are able to change this value after the task is imported. 

      Remove enableSourceEditing field

      Same as the edit100PercentMatch, this field should be removed fron the task entity, and the task needs to get this value from runtimeOptions.import.enableSourceEditing configuration.


      Locked segments in the imported file are also locked in translate5

      This flag should also goes into the config. 

      Remove both config fields therefore from task grid (which is basically implied by removing it from the task entity).

      runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.opentm2.showMultiple100PercentMatches as task specific config

      Setting this as task specific config will require some refactoring in the opentm2 connector, since the connector does not know nothing about the task.

      Config validator

      We should be able to define validation rules per config (additional field in the zf config table, where the validation rule template will be defined as json).  

      bconf upload button

      New upload for bconf as config which will overwrite the defatult bconf file.
      This needs to be configured on task-import level. We will need probably new type of configuration fileupload or something like this. Bconfig size is between 1-2 MB and saved to the disk. a TL: This is solved via the possibility to place bconfs in the Okapi/data directory and fill dynamically the bconf defaults field with the content on disk. Also the coming bconf editor will solve that.


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              aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
              aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

