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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-2405

Introduce a match analysis status field for better usability




      If there is currently an error in pretranslation/matchanalysis (problem with language resource or similar) then the pretranslation stops and the whole task is set to error.

      This is not perfect but ok for running a pre-translation on import. For starting a pre-translation / analysis after import, this is wrong since it locks the task.



      The reason is that the Match Analysis Worker and the BatchWorker extends the Import_Worker instead just the ZfExtended_Worker_Abstract.
      Basically the task is not set to status error if there is a problem while pre-translation / analysis.

      Therefore the user needs now feedback about that in a different way

      1. Status in the analysis - Implemented with this issue
      2. TRANSLATE-1994 - feedback in the task overview
      3. Linking of language resources errors also to the task, not only to the language resource - already done

      Status in the analysis

      Idea: add a status field to LEK_match_analysis_taskassoc, the status is then shown in the match analysis result panel too. Status may be: done, running, error

      done: all done and analysis is ok
      running: analysis is running, language resource window should then be locked of that task?
      error: there was an error when using the analysis, must be set from the MatchAnalysis Worker. The frontend should point the user to look into the task / language resource log for details.


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            [TRANSLATE-2405] Introduce a match analysis status field for better usability
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              aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
              tlauria Thomas Lauria
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