New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
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It should be possible to pre-translate the pivot language against the language resources.
- It will either be possible to use pivot via files OR via pre-translation - not both in combination
- Add the pivot language again as field in the first upload wizard window
- Remove and empty the pivot language field again, if pivot files are added to the workfiles grid
- If no pivot files are added, a new wizard window will be added. If a pivot language is selected, but no pivot language resources are assigned (either via wizard or by default assignment) no pivot column is created. An warning is logged to the task log, except if the pivot language and the target language are the same.
- The new 2nd wizard window contains the same functionality as the usual language resource association window, yet for the pivot language, with the following differences:
- No column "save back to TM"
- No checkbox "Count internal fuzzy"
- Checkbox "Pre-translate (TM & Terms)" will always be active and not possible to deactivate
- Analogous to this second wizard window a new tab on the task in the project overview is created.
- In the language resource add/edit panel, new option is added for each language resource
- Use as pivot by default (analogous usage to "Read access by default")
- For clients selected in this drop-down, the language resource is always used for pivot translation, if no pivot files are uploaded, but a pivot language is selected
- All language resources are available for pivot translation, that are assigned for the current source2pivot combination for the current client
- A new system configuration (overwrite on client level) is added: "'Pre-translate (MT)' for pivot language checked by default"
Issue Links
- duplicates
TRANSLATE-2064 Fill up relay / second source column from TM instead separate import file
- Done
- mentioned in
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