New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
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It should be possible to up- and download single fprm files through the UI.
Proposal where to integrate this: Up- and download buttons analogous to those, we have on bconf level in the bconf grid, yet on file format level when editing the filters of a single bconf.
This should only be possible for a cloned filter, because we should not allow to edit the default filters.
This again implies, that it is possible to clone also filters, that are not editable in translate5 so far (which is not the case so far). And then for cloned filters distinguish between those, that are editable in translate5 (the edit icon should be active there) and those, that are not (here only the icon should be editable to assign file formats).
Handling of xliff
For xliff and xlf and mqxliff and mxliff so far in our settings the okapi xliff / xliff2 filter seems to be configured. What is acutally misleading, because it is actually not used and translate5 parses them without Okapi.
This needs to be changed: The file extensions should not be listed there by default anymore, because translate5 parses them without Okapi. Yet if someone enters .xliff as file extension in the filter set for a file format, actually it should be implemented, that in this case an xliff file should be send to Okapi for pre-parsing with this file format filter.
Also so far if we detect, that an xliff file contains cdata, we are throwing an error and stopping the import. This should stay, yet the error message should be as follows:
DE: Ihre xliff-Datei enthält Texte innerhalb von cdata-Blöcken. Dies kann mit dem Standard-translate5-xliff-Import nicht importiert werden. Sie können aber in den Dateiformatseinstellungen von translate5 die Formatvorlage "xliff 1.2 with cdata" auf die Dateiendung xlf und/oder xliff mappen (und ggf. die Vorlage weitergehend anpassen, wenn nötig) und dann ihre Datei nochmals mit dieser Formatvorlage importieren.
EN: Your xliff file contains texts within cdata blocks. This cannot be imported with the standard translate5 xliff import. However, you can map the file format template “xliff 1.2 with cdata” to the file extension xlf and/or xliff in the file format settings of translate5 (and adapt the template further if necessary) and then import your file again with this template.
Please make the attached "okf_xliff@xliff1_2-with-CDATA.fprm" available in default translate5 bconf, but do not assign it to any file extentsions by default.
Also it should be possible to clone and customize all xliff and xliff2-related Okapi-filters in our UI.
xlf2 and xliff2 file extension should stay configured as they are at the moment in translate5: with the xliff2 parser of Okapi. Because translate5 can not parse xliff2 natively anyway.
- Up- and download of (extraction/import) pipeline files (.pln): Analogous to srx files on bconf level in the bconf grid.
- The uploaded pipeline must be validated and neccessary props be set. ipelines without the 3 mandatory steps must be rejected
- We may should define the steps, that additionally CAN BE in a pipeline apart the mandatory steps
- Therefore, must be implemented before
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-3202 Adopt File Format Settings for OpenXML to Okapi version 1.4.7
- Done
- is blocked by
TRANSLATE-4273 New API endpoint for synchronous file translation
- Done
Add proper Pipeline management & Validation |
Final pull request | Volodymyr Kyianenko |
BCONF: Add XSLT step to pipeline |
Final pull request | Volodymyr Kyianenko |
Create Test for Pipeline Up/Download and OKAPI XLIFF import |
Final pull request | Volodymyr Kyianenko |
Okapi integration: Enable down- and upload of fprm and pln files and pre-parsing of xliff by Okapi
New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
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It should be possible to up- and download single fprm files through the UI.
Proposal where to integrate this: Up- and download buttons analogous to those, we have on bconf level in the bconf grid, yet on file format level when editing the filters of a single bconf.
This should only be possible for a cloned filter, because we should not allow to edit the default filters.
This again implies, that it is possible to clone also filters, that are not editable in translate5 so far (which is not the case so far). And then for cloned filters distinguish between those, that are editable in translate5 (the edit icon should be active there) and those, that are not (here only the icon should be editable to assign file formats).
Handling of xliff
For xliff and xlf and mqxliff and mxliff so far in our settings the okapi xliff / xliff2 filter seems to be configured. What is acutally misleading, because it is actually not used and translate5 parses them without Okapi.
This needs to be changed: The file extensions should not be listed there by default anymore, because translate5 parses them without Okapi. Yet if someone enters .xliff as file extension in the filter set for a file format, actually it should be implemented, that in this case an xliff file should be send to Okapi for pre-parsing with this file format filter.
Also so far if we detect, that an xliff file contains cdata, we are throwing an error and stopping the import. This should stay, yet the error message should be as follows:
DE: Ihre xliff-Datei enthält Texte innerhalb von cdata-Blöcken. Dies kann mit dem Standard-translate5-xliff-Import nicht importiert werden. Sie können aber in den Dateiformatseinstellungen von translate5 die Formatvorlage "xliff 1.2 with cdata" auf die Dateiendung xlf und/oder xliff mappen (und ggf. die Vorlage weitergehend anpassen, wenn nötig) und dann ihre Datei nochmals mit dieser Formatvorlage importieren.
EN: Your xliff file contains texts within cdata blocks. This cannot be imported with the standard translate5 xliff import. However, you can map the file format template “xliff 1.2 with cdata” to the file extension xlf and/or xliff in the file format settings of translate5 (and adapt the template further if necessary) and then import your file again with this template.
Please make the attached "okf_xliff@xliff1_2-with-CDATA.fprm" available in default translate5 bconf, but do not assign it to any file extentsions by default.
Also it should be possible to clone and customize all xliff and xliff2-related Okapi-filters in our UI.
xlf2 and xliff2 file extension should stay configured as they are at the moment in translate5: with the xliff2 parser of Okapi. Because translate5 can not parse xliff2 natively anyway.
- Up- and download of (extraction/import) pipeline files (.pln): Analogous to srx files on bconf level in the bconf grid.
- The uploaded pipeline must be validated and neccessary props be set. ipelines without the 3 mandatory steps must be rejected
- We may should define the steps, that additionally CAN BE in a pipeline apart the mandatory steps
- Therefore, must be implemented before
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-3202 Adopt File Format Settings for OpenXML to Okapi version 1.4.7
- Done
- is blocked by
TRANSLATE-4273 New API endpoint for synchronous file translation
- Done
Add proper Pipeline management & Validation |
Final pull request | Volodymyr Kyianenko |
BCONF: Add XSLT step to pipeline |
Final pull request | Volodymyr Kyianenko |
Create Test for Pipeline Up/Download and OKAPI XLIFF import |
Final pull request | Volodymyr Kyianenko |