Uploaded image for project: 'translate5'
  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3202

Adopt File Format Settings for OpenXML to Okapi version 1.4.7


    • High
    • Excel Worksheet-Options configuration will not be transferred to the new version. If it used, you should take notes/screenshots of your settings. The new GUI for them will be adopted in a later release
    • Adopted changes in FPRM structure for Okapi version 1.4.7


      Adopt changes in the FPRM structure especially for OpenXML but also other changes for existing FPRM editors. See changelog https://okapiframework.org/binaries/main/changes/files/1.45.0.html and changelog of 1.46.


      Set "maxAttributeSize"  to 16777216 in OpenXML as a default for the t5 adjusted FPRM

      Also adopt changes for MS Office and Indesign, that we did finance ourselves. This are listed in the linked issues.

      As soon as we support the new versions:

      • Communicate 1 week before the upgrade that everyone who has changed Excel Worksheet-Options should take screenshots of these changes. The GUI will be adopted in a later release (!!!)
      • With the upgrade, upgrade everyone that the latest OKAPI version will now be used by default for new projects and older versions may not work if used
      • Hope that downwardly incompatible changes will not be made to Okapi as soon as possible. At the moment I think the problem is still manageable, i.e. there are not yet so many adjustments.

      Additional Notes because the BCONFS are incompatible between 1.4.4/>1.4.6

      • Customers who use a newer Okapi version than 1.44-snapshot say that they are currently not allowed to customize the MS Office formats (so far only Insta and Leica and AllLanguages).




        Issue Links


            Uploaded image for project: 'translate5'
            1. translate5
            2. TRANSLATE-3202

            Adopt File Format Settings for OpenXML to Okapi version 1.4.7


              • High
              • Excel Worksheet-Options configuration will not be transferred to the new version. If it used, you should take notes/screenshots of your settings. The new GUI for them will be adopted in a later release
              • Adopted changes in FPRM structure for Okapi version 1.4.7


                Adopt changes in the FPRM structure especially for OpenXML but also other changes for existing FPRM editors. See changelog https://okapiframework.org/binaries/main/changes/files/1.45.0.html and changelog of 1.46.


                Set "maxAttributeSize"  to 16777216 in OpenXML as a default for the t5 adjusted FPRM

                Also adopt changes for MS Office and Indesign, that we did finance ourselves. This are listed in the linked issues.

                As soon as we support the new versions:

                • Communicate 1 week before the upgrade that everyone who has changed Excel Worksheet-Options should take screenshots of these changes. The GUI will be adopted in a later release (!!!)
                • With the upgrade, upgrade everyone that the latest OKAPI version will now be used by default for new projects and older versions may not work if used
                • Hope that downwardly incompatible changes will not be made to Okapi as soon as possible. At the moment I think the problem is still manageable, i.e. there are not yet so many adjustments.

                Additional Notes because the BCONFS are incompatible between 1.4.4/>1.4.6

                • Customers who use a newer Okapi version than 1.44-snapshot say that they are currently not allowed to customize the MS Office formats (so far only Insta and Leica and AllLanguages).




                  Issue Links



                        volodymyr@mittagqi.com Volodymyr Kyianenko
                        axelbecher Axel Becher
                        Axel Becher
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        3 Start watching this issue




                            volodymyr@mittagqi.com Volodymyr Kyianenko
                            axelbecher Axel Becher
                            Axel Becher
                            0 Vote for this issue
                            3 Start watching this issue

