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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3885

Change wording for "false positives"



    • Medium
    • Improved wordings for false positives in the auto-QA


      The wording for "false positive" should be changed. Neur.on pointed us towards the fact, that this is a very technical language, that a lot of translators will have difficulties to understand.

      Therefore the texts should be rephrased as follows. The numbers refer to the red numbers in the screen below:

      1: DE: Nur ignorierte Fehler

         EN: Only ignored errors

      2: DE: Fehler ignorieren?

         EN: Ignore error?

      3: DE: Anhaken der Check-box ignoriert den Fehler.
                  Klick auf die Zahl rechts ignorierte alle identischen Fehler.
                  Tastaturkürzel siehe Tooltip rechte Spalte "Qualitätssicherung".

             EN: Checking the checkbox ignores the error.
                    Clicking on the number on the right ignores all identical errors.
                    Keyboard shortcut see tooltip right column "Quality assurance".

      4: DE: Fehler ignorieren

         EN: Ignore errors

      In addition:

      Tooltip on error in segment:

         DE: Fehler ignorieren

        EN: Ignore error

      Tooltips on error in false positive panel in right column:

      Currently there are 2 tooltip: One tooltip on the number and one on the rest of the row of the error.

      Those should be merged to one tooltip.
      DE: CTRL + ALT + 1
              Klick auf die Zahl rechts ignorierte alle identischen Fehler.

      EN: CTRL + ALT + 1
              Clicking on the number on the right ignores all identical errors.



        1. image-2024-04-14-19-30-10-561.png
          220 kB
          Marc Mittag [Administrator]



            pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
            marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
            Sylvia Schumacher
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

