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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3932

Set sdlxliff segment status to "draft" for MT-pretranslated segments



    • Critical
    • In sdlxliff export segment will get status "Draft" for MT-pretranslated segments that were not modified by users after



      Segments that are pre-translated in translate5 within sdlxliff and not changed by the user files should have the segment status "draft" in Trados or Worldserver.


      Set the segment status accordingly on sdlxliff export.

      Use the sdlxliff example file provided in the linked TS-issue as reference, what status values are used in the source code of sdlxliff for draft.

      An example trans-unit in sdlxliff looks like this:

      <trans-unit id="626e13aa-cbb7-40e6-880c-f461b6f1ac24">
          <source>In der Bildung haben Technologien wie E-Learning-Plattformen und <g id="8">Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen</g> das Lernen flexibler und interaktiver gemacht. Studenten können jetzt von überall auf der Welt aus auf Bildungsinhalte zugreifen und neue Erfahrungen machen, die über das traditionelle Klassenzimmer hinausgehen.</source>
          <seg-source><mrk mtype="seg" mid="7">In der Bildung haben Technologien wie E-Learning-Plattformen und <g id="8">Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen</g> das Lernen flexibler und interaktiver gemacht.</mrk> <mrk mtype="seg" mid="8">Studenten können jetzt von überall auf der Welt aus auf Bildungsinhalte zugreifen und neue Erfahrungen machen, die über das traditionelle Klassenzimmer hinausgehen.</mrk></seg-source>
          <target><mrk mtype="seg" mid="7">In education, technologies such as e-learning platforms and <g id="8">virtual reality applications</g> have made learning more flexible and interactive.</mrk> <mrk mtype="seg" mid="8">Students can now access educational content from anywhere in the world and have new experiences that go beyond the traditional classroom.</mrk></target>
      <sdl:seg-defs><sdl:seg id="7" conf="Draft" origin="nmt" origin-system="DeepL Translator provider using DeepL Translator "><sdl:value key="SegmentIdentityHash">whTYhqko5MdGgngIGyBouqiyjVY=</sdl:value></sdl:seg><sdl:seg id="8" conf="Draft" origin="nmt" origin-system="DeepL Translator provider using DeepL Translator "></sdl:seg></sdl:seg-defs>

      Please note, that the mrk mid is referencing to the <sdl:seg id=

      Please note, that we have to check, what we can/have to do with the SegmentIdentityHash stuff.
      => Result of check: We can simply ignore the  SegmentIdentityHash stuff. It very likely will not even be present in the files, that we import. For all the attributes within <sdl:seg >-tag it is important, that we need to make sure, that they might exist already but not have to. Only the <sdl:seg tag> with the id-attribute seems to exist always (but not sure about this).

      Please see the linked TS-issue the file tasks_Test_MZ_PreTr_15_145532_en_GB_xliff for an example sdlxliff, that looks like the files that will reach us.


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              sanya@mittagqi.com Sanya Mikhliaiev
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              Thomas Lauria
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