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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-3434

TermPortal: Only set Normative Authorization automatically, if it is active



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • TermPortal


      In https://jira.translate5.net/browse/TRANSLATE-3283 and https://jira.translate5.net/browse/TRANSLATE-1409 we defined, that Normative Authorization should be set automatically to deprecatedTerm, if a term is rejected.

      This only makes sense, if the attribute is active in a TermCollection, yet is currently done always.

      In the future if a term is set to rejected, only "Usage status" (called administrativeStatus in tbx) is set to deprecatedTerm-admn-sts, nothing else directly.

      In addition the following needs to change:

      If "Normative authorization" is active in the TermCollection and usage status changes its value, "Normative authorization" should always reflect the value of usage status. The reason is, that some TBX standards, for example https://www.iso.org/schema/isosts/v1.1/doc/tbx/ISO-TBX_xsd_Element_tbx_normativeAuthorization.html  the attribute has the same functionality, as usageStatus has in others. Since there is functionality bound to the status of usageStatus/normativeAuthorization in translate5 and we decided usageStatus to be the default attribute for this purpose in translate5 (because it is used for this in the more commonly used tbx flavours) we need to make sure, if normativeAuthorization is used, that it is kept in synch with usageStatus. The same must be done for all proprietary attributes, that are also mapped to usageStatus within translate5, like across_userdef_picklist_Verwendung.

      When the user changes one of those connected attributes, he gets the following explaining message:

      • EN: You changed attributeXYZ. This attribute is connected to the usage of the term all over translate5 (terminology check, etc.). The new value triggers different consequences in connected parts of translate5. Therefore all other attributes that are also connected to term usages in translate5 are changed automatically to their related value. This affects the following attributes: LIST_OF_ATTRITBUTES
      • DE: Sie haben das AttributXYZ geändert. Dieses Attribut steht im Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung der Benennung überall in translate5 (Terminologieprüfung usw.). Der neue Wert wirkt sich in den jeweiligen Bereichen von translate5 anders aus, als der alte. Daher werden alle anderen Attribute, die ebenfalls mit Terminologieverwendungen in translate5 verbunden sind, automatisch auf den entsprechenden Wert geändert. Dies betrifft die folgenden Attribute: LIST_OF_ATTRITBUTES

      Therefore the following must be implemented/checked in the current implementation for all terms listed in  terms_term_status_map table of translate5:

      • Somewhere in translate5, probably hardcoded, we currently map the value of "mappedStatus" in  terms_term_status_map  table to the potential values of the status column in terms_term table. This mapping should instead be done in the mappedStatus column of the terms_term_status_map table. So mappedStatus should only contain in the future the possible values of the status column in terms_term table: preferredTerm, admittedTerm and deprecatedTerm. All other values should only exist as real attribute values in the terms_attributes table (and other related tables) and in the tagValue column of the  terms_term_status_map table
      • in  terms_term_status_map  a new boolean column should be introduced, that defines for an attribute, what value is the default one for mapping to the mappedStatus column / status column of terms_term table. Exactly one attribute value per attribute must have "true" for each unique possible value of mappedStatus.
      • The consequence of the above mapping must be:
        • if an attribute of the terms_term_status_map table is active in the current TermCollection that is not the default adminstrativeStatus AND (the value of this mapped attribute OR the value of adminstrativeStatus changes to a new value) AND the new value is not mapped to the same value of mappedStatus then the current value of the other attribute is mapped to, than the other attribute should also change its value in terms_attributes.
        • On import it needs to be assured, that the value of the status column in terms_term table is still set to the right value as its mapped in the terms_term_status_map table.


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              pavelperminov Pavel Perminov
              marcmittag Marc Mittag [Administrator]
              Aleksandar Mitrev
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

