Resolution: Unresolved
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It should be possible to pre-define on language resource level, if 100%-matches should be locked after pre-translation.
This functionality should be integrated in the UI in what is defined in
"Define a penalty for matches"
In the grids defined in -3198 two more columns should be added:
Column headers DE
- 100%
- 100% St.
Column headers EN
- 100%
- 100% def.
An info icon in each column header should hint to a tooltip
Tooltip on the header DE:
- Sind 100%-Matches, die von dieser Ressource vorübersetzt wurden, editierbar?
- Vorgabe aus der Kunden- oder Systemkonfiguration: Sind 100%-Matches, die von dieser Ressource vorübersetzt wurden, editierbar?
Tooltip on the header EN:
- 100%-matches pre-translated by this resource editable?
- Default coming from client or system configuration: 100%-matches pre-translated by this resource editable?
Both columns should show check-boxes. The check-box for the default column should always be greyed-out/disabled.
As in the following grids are affected:
- Grid in clients config area
- Language resource assoc grid in import wizard
- Language resource assoc grid in task area of project overview
=> in the latter a tooltip on the 100% checkboxes should be implemented- DE: Änderungen wirken sich nur auf neu vorübersetzte Segmente aus. Die Vorübersetzung bereits vorübersetzter Segmente wird durch eine neue Vorübersetzung nicht geändert (weder inhaltlich noch im Sperrzustand).
- EN: Changes only affect newly pre-translated segments. The pre-translation of already pre-translated segments is not changed by a new pre-translation (neither in terms of content nor in the lock state).
Issue Links
- relates to
TRANSLATE-3198 Define a penalty for matches
- Done
TRANSLATE-3758 move config edit100PercentMatch to client level
- Done
TRANSLATE-3812 Make runtimeOptions.frontend.importTask.edit100PercentMatch affect the server side
- Done