New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Added segments editing history data aggregation to calculate and display KPIs related to levenshtein distances and post-editing time
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- Calculate levenshtein distances on segment level for distance between first version of the segment in a current workflow step and current one
- Post-Editing time is already calculated since 10 years in translate5
Save those 2 distances in LEK_segments and LEK_segment_history tables and an aggregated distance between first version and current one on task level.
Provide statistical data as follows:
- Calculate the average by the current filtering in the task management grid and make it available in the same way as "Show KPIs" and "Export meta data".
- If filtered by "advanced filters" (third dimension of things that correlate with the task user assignment (job)), then also the statistic is only calculated by those jobs in the filtering
- For further details on how to calculate the averages, please see sheet "Logic" in attached "Calculation and Tooltip Matrix.ods"
Add new advanced filters, that allow to filter the tasks by
- match rate range min/max (regarding MT resources quality estimation of Modelfront and probably in the future of LLMs is used in the same way in the same match rate column)
- used language resource(s) (multi-select tag-field)
- language resource type (like TermCollection, TM, MT)
- Please note: If filtered by any filtering that relates to the language resource used for pre-translation, the first language resource used for pre-translation is taken into account. Even if the user decides to manually take over something else from the fuzzy match panel
- Show the resulting calculated levenshtein distance and post-editimg time averages for the current filtering in the existing "Show KPIs" window and make them also available in the xlsx-file that can be downloaded by clicking on "Download meta-data"
UI text for KPI window:
Ø Post-editing time within 1 workflow step
Ø Levenshtein distance within 1 workflow step
Ø Post-editing time from the start of workflow
Ø Levenshtein distance from the start of workflow
Ø Nachbearbeitungszeit innerhalb eines Workflowschritts
Ø Levenshtein-Abstand innerhalb eines Workflowschritts
Ø Nachbearbeitungszeit ab Beginn des Workflows
Ø Levenshtein-Abstand ab Beginn des Workflows
The Levensthein average in the UI should show at least 5 decimal places.
Behind those UI texts there should be an info icon. And there should be a tooltip when hovering across the text or the info icon. The text of the tooltip should be:
For the tooltip texts please see the attached file "Calculation and Tooltip Matrix.ods"
Additional note:
1/ If ClickHouse connection cannot be established, in KPI window we display "Daten nicht verfügbar" ("Data unavailable") next to Post-editing time label
Issue Links
- blocks
TRANSLATE-4221 Save analysis from xliff
- Releasable
- is duplicated by
TRANSLATE-2292 Get the levinsthein distance of a post-edited segment from its MT input
- Done
- relates to
TRANSLATE-4181 Add missing workflow select field and workflow steps from all existing workflows to task overview "advanced filters"
- Done
TRANSLATE-3916 Make concept for Post-editing and levenshtein statistics
- Done