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  1. translate5
  2. TRANSLATE-471

Overwrite system config by client and task


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      For CSV Users:
      For config "runtimeOptions.import.csv.fields.mid" the "value" and the "default" are changed to "id" (default/value was mid).
      For the config "runtimeOptions.import.csv.fields.source" the "value" and "default" are changed to source (default/value was quelle).
      For CSV Users: For config "runtimeOptions.import.csv.fields.mid" the "value" and the "default" are changed to "id" (default/value was mid). For the config "runtimeOptions.import.csv.fields.source" the "value" and "default" are changed to source (default/value was quelle).
    • Adds possibility to overwrite system configuration on 4 different levels: system, client, task import and task overwrite,


      For a lot of system configuration settings it makes a lot of sense to be able to overwrite them client specific or even task specific. See below for a list - green settings in the list are those, where it makes most sense.

      This will be implemented with this issue.


      Some settings should not be over writable, so a "overwritelevel" should be implemented, where they are aloud to be overwritten: None, client, task.

      As always, everything that is defined below as configurable through the GUI will also be settable via API.

      The definitions currently possible in the task template have to be refactored so that they have defaults in the system settings and can also be defined on task level. Their documentation has to be adjusted (length restriction and task template documentation).

      Client specific overwrite

      For users with PM rights it will be possible to overwrite all configuration settings in the GUI by client, that are listed below.

      On click of an action icon in the client table a pop-up with a table will open.

      In the table all config parameters will be listed form fields to edit them. Dependent on the parameter the form field will be a checkbox (active or not), a selection list with predefined values or a text field.

      Please ensure in the conception, that somewhen in  the future we will need more then one saved configuration set per client so that the user can choose from different sets. It makes sense to save these sets as task template xml (see below).


      Currently the preferences window in the Editor contains only the change alike configs. There is a TODO in the code which mentions to refactor the data storage in a senseful way, for example a store containing all user configs which are overwritable by the user.

      Task specific overwrite

      The same table as for the client specific overwrite will be available as tab in the task properties window - except for those settings, that are only allowed to be overwritten on client level and not on task level.

      By default it will show the settings made for the client (or the default settings, if none are set for the client).

      The settings can also be exported in a task template and the import of a task template overwrites the current task specific overwrites.

      The name of the tab will be EN: "Overwrite config" DE: "Konfig รผberschreiben"

      System specific overwrite

      All system configs which can be overridden are listend in preferences tab in translate5. The display layout is the same as for the task/customer.

      Move installation.ini cofnigurations to db

      Update script which will move all zf_configuration values in isntallation.ini to the database and remove those configs from the installation.ini.

      In future no more zf configuration in installation.ini, only resources configs (database credentials etc..)

      List of config parameters, that should be overwriteable

      The attached spreadsheet shows, which options should be overwritable on which level. It also shows a grouping by GUI groups. The order of the options should be the order of the GUI groups sorted by name in EN and secondary the order of the guiNames sorted by name in EN.
      Also if names are translated, the order should stay the same in the GUI.


        1. Annotate_a_local_image.png
          249 kB
        2. defaultlanguages config.png
          defaultlanguages config.png
          123 kB
        3. defaultlanguages config-1.png
          defaultlanguages config-1.png
          103 kB
        4. translate5_Unbenannt_2.png
          112 kB
        5. translate5(43).png
          146 kB
        6. translate5(44).png
          229 kB
        7. translate5(45).png
          156 kB
        8. translate5(46).png
          230 kB
        9. translate5(47).png
          203 kB
        10. translate5(48).png
          162 kB
        11. translate5(49).png
          142 kB
        12. translate5(50).png
          178 kB
        13. translate5(52).png
          165 kB
        14. translate5(54).png
          235 kB
        15. translate5(55).png
          236 kB
        16. translate5(56).png
          101 kB
        17. Zf_configuration-1.ods
          49 kB

        Issue Links



              aleksandar Aleksandar Mitrev
              tlauria Thomas Lauria
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue

