- TRANSLATE-4286Average processing time KPIs - add calculation for workflow steps
- TRANSLATE-4543BUG: TermTagger produces Invalid Markup (ins/del in term-tags)
- TRANSLATE-4535Add WGET as Fallback for Headless Download
- TRANSLATE-4542Pre-translation: Segment that has max match below plank is marked as pre-translated but not in fact
- TRANSLATE-4410Add default assignment possibility for wrong sublanguage TMs (penalty feature)
- TRANSLATE-4540Content Protection: Change logic of LR availability on TM Conversion
- TRANSLATE-4353Timeout when Searching/Replacing in Segments
- TRANSLATE-4541t5memory: create next memory if getting error that current filename already exists
- TRANSLATE-4487Restrict Jobcoordinator access to workflow steps
- TRANSLATE-4539Content Protection: On TM Conversion don't process empty memories
- TRANSLATE-4361Add filters to html-report
- TRANSLATE-4537Misleading error message when opening file translation
- TRANSLATE-4536Plugin PlunetConnector JS Injection after Update to Plunet 10
- TRANSLATE-3565Send to human revision button for instant translate
- TRANSLATE-4371OpenAI GPT Training Improvements: Prompt Management
- TRANSLATE-4538Check fine tuning in Azure cloud possibility
- TRANSLATE-4185chatGPT and Llama3: Quality estimation
- TRANSLATE-4511Add custom dialogs on task finishing
- TRANSLATE-4378make editorCommentsForLockedSegments UI config
- TRANSLATE-4510Implement a review visual view
- TRANSLATE-4452Improve user experience in TM Maintenance
- TRANSLATE-4506Workflow action to create Workflow Jobs
- TRANSLATE-4508Interact with workflow on dedicated events triggered by visual review
- TRANSLATE-4516Okapi CLI repair tool
- TRANSLATE-4372OpenAI GPT Training Improvements: Trainings Window Adjustments
- TRANSLATE-4373OpenAI GPT Training Improvements: Improve Model Properties & add Epochs
- TRANSLATE-4231Offer WYSIWYG side of the visual as PDF download
- TRANSLATE-3785Exchange Visual PDF in ongoing project
- TRANSLATE-4524CTRL + INS/. not should always use source for reference
- TRANSLATE-4523Create test to check php.log file
- TRANSLATE-4499Missing German in TM Maintenance
- TRANSLATE-4522description of runtimeOptions.import.projectDeadline.jobDeadlineFraction misleading
- TRANSLATE-4521Introduce time for task deadline
- TRANSLATE-4203DeepL: Switch tag-handling to be able to send tags as xliff tags and whitespace tags as plain whitespace
- TRANSLATE-4130Front-end Testing Findings
- TRANSLATE-4488Batch set properties - date is applied also to unselected workflow steps
- TRANSLATE-4519Filter users for new job assignment
- TRANSLATE-4484API-test for ConnectWorldserver
- TRANSLATE-3647Okapi integration: Enable down- and upload of fprm and pln files and pre-parsing of xliff by Okapi
- TRANSLATE-3708Enhance usability of tag recognition and handling
- TRANSLATE-3543Move "toast" messages and warnings to an extra tabular view
- TRANSLATE-3944Test Suite "Performance Tests"
- TRANSLATE-2309Generate default privacy policy and cookie disclaimer for the translate5 default login screen
- TRANSLATE-3498Termcollection DeepL Glossary association: Granular update does not work
- TRANSLATE-3893Create a test for amended tags parsing code
- TRANSLATE-3511Create missing Unit tests for ZfExtended ACL functionality
- TRANSLATE-3701Rename to t5memory & cleanup code from opentm2 implementation
- TRANSLATE-3939TextShuttle plugin: do not log errors when config is missing
- TRANSLATE-4111show read/write access in task-language-resource "associated tasks" window
- TRANSLATE-4110Add escaping html on TM Maintenance page
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